
I don’t know that proposed gun control measures (a longer waiting period, more stringent background checks, closing the gun show and private sale loopholes, a mandatory safety course, and a national registry) really would have changed this situation. If we’re to say that she shouldn’t have had access to a gun because

“Christy was toxic for the family. She was mentally unstable.”

Right. And like, the idea that my boobs looking bigger is worth the tradeoff of being less comfortable. So dumb it makes me want to burn down Academy every time I see that shit in the store.

Maybe. I always rock the plain sports bra and either a loose or fitted simple dry-fit tank over it. I guess I don’t have monster nipples, but it’s never been a problem. The “workout” clothes I see in stores now look more like padded bras than anything I would work out in. It screams, “ladies don’t really work out,

I think it was men.

He is a victim, though. Imagine how hard it must be for a punk-ass kid who thinks the world revolves around them when something bad happens in the world. Suddenly, everyone’s attention is on that big, bad thing and it doesn’t even have anything to do with you. Boom: victim!

See also: the influx of padded sports bras and wicking tanks. When I’m on a 4-mile run in Texas’ 97-degree heat, the last thing I am looking for is extra fabric (padding!) in my minimal running wear. Not only is it added warmth, but it acts as a sponge to gather sweat. I guess I’m overruled by people who think it’s

She probably could have googled it

Are you kidding? I google everything without shame. I’m innocent!

A slight difference could be that alcohol is illegal and cocaine is not. Also - I might be showing my drug ignorance here - but cocaine is a bit more serious/dangerous, right?

She looks great. I think I saw that dress on the Nordstrom website. She probably picked it out herself.

That’s ridiculous and totally blows, but couldn’t she hire a stylist? I mean, again, I get that it blows, but you have Hollywood dollas and an agent, get hooked up with a dope stylist. And then when designers come your way in the future tell them to go play in traffic.

Yeah, it’s weird how I think things are mine that are... mine.

Property taxes are part of the funding for schools. They also receive state and federal funds. There are white people in “poor” districts; there are nonwhite people in “wealthy” districts. Furthermore, there is nothing that prevents a nonwhite person from opting to live in a “wealthy” district. The “feds” redlined

Maybe. I didn’t take any SAT prep and I got a 1330 (in 1999). If everyone should have the exact same knowledge, same preparation, same parenting, same background that influenced their readiness for the SAT, and same biological aptitude for learning and retention, then I guess there wouldn’t be a need for testing at

Your parents sound like racist assholes!

You believe that “most” people applying to UT are from out of state? I haven’t seen stats on that, but I doubt it. Why would anyone want to go to a public university out of state, anyway, unless they either want to get rid of perfectly good money or are too stupid to realize that’s what they’re doing?

How can that be, if wealthier doesn’t mean smarter?

Gamed? How would that work? They favor smart people?

Nope. I was automatically admitted to all 3 of the universities I applied to for meeting their GPA/SAT threshold(s). I guess it’s because I’m white.