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I can’t believe how many people are Gullible enough to believe Assad was responsible for the gas attack. There is absolutely no incriminating evidence or military sense. It was FAR more likely the ‘rebels’ (jihadists by another name) launched the attack as a false-flag to prompt foreign intervention.

They actually did; Russia successfully pacified Afghanistan for three years, until America supplied the Taliban with Stinger missiles and other heavy weaponry.

It would be nice if the US didn’t have a beta-male pussy for a president.

Assad > ISIS, I mean for real. Bush opened Pandoras box and now 13 years later it’s basically Road Warrior out there. Putin and Russia have every right to keep their Naval port just as in Ukraine. Why are we so hell bent on pushing everyone around to what end? To prop up Saudi Kings and Princes?

wait. but you just said that she couldn’t be that invested in her joke without meaning it. which one is it?

I don’t think you can be that invested in a joke without actually meaning it to some extent. What’s the phrase about truth being said in jest? Or maybe she views it as performance art?

She’s at it here too. My teenager has more maturity than this.

Congratulations, Roberta Vinci!!!

Having light skin is a HUGE deal in India. Anybody who tells you otherwise either has light skin or is in denial.