Just revolting. *boos author off stage* you suck!
Just revolting. *boos author off stage* you suck!
Why should one group be excluded from freedom of association? Maybe they can address the fact that blacks kill whites twice as often as whites kills blacks in America.
Blacks kill whites twice as often as whites kill blacks in the U.S. According to crime stats. When will these hoodlums address the culture of violence they are perpetuating?
Maybe we need a few cum stain adds in the mix, I'm sure you wouldn't object
Illegal immigrant seems like a perfectly reasonable term since their act of immigration was illegal. In the context of the new PC term, “undocumented immigrant” it still makes sense. Think about it, is the person’s entire existence undocumented? Or the act of immigration? Also, why so much effort to cowtow to those…
What kind of retard would pay attention to these overpaid clowns anyways?
You sound like a sociopath. Are you?
What good content?
Wow what a weak comeback. Especially since Tarantino is a legend and no one has ever heard of this Selma nobody.