
Idea sounds good on paper, but it seems like this could also be abused if further steps are taken than just idea sharing. The last part is especially worrying. Are they saying that they will ban a user across all these companies if they all collectively decide that the person playing is toxic?

“harassment in games is a reflection of a real-life culture”
I don’t agree with this statement. Personally, my online persona is vastly different from my persona at work, which is also different from my persona at a family gathering, etc. Equating online harassment to real-life issues only marginalizes issues in real

That is some next-level straw-manning.

This article is trolling for outrage responses and views and it worked.

Now playing

Let’s not forget that she yelled at Boogey after their panel together on harassment.

Oh man this is so funny. You’ve never been to China before, have you?

I love that you mention that this is somehow bad for Bethesda but have no sales figures or anything to back up that claim.

Isn’t Chihaya also a grown woman? Did people just forget about her?

If that’s the only content you believe is being created on Youtube, then you are 10 years behind on what content is actually being watched.

Sure, but we should at least measure our own responses to things being said. I, for one, don’t agree that JonTron is an ethno nationalist and he said so himself. However, treating him like a Nazi all the time isn’t going to actual convert him from his viewpoint. Having a conversation and discussion could change his

So what is? Seems to me short of him getting murdered, nothing is enough.

How is Death Note a horror anime? I thought it was a shonen thriller. Also, it was a manga before it was made into an anime, so wouldn’t it be more accurate to call it a thriller manga?

Wow, just wow. Are you saying that a program to help women develop skills to work in the game industry is some kind of consolation for the fact that women get sexually harassed?

What proof do you have that this is Gamergate other than one person tweeting with the hashtag that anybody can use?

Isn’t it established that Desmond has both Native American and Arab origins? And somehow, that makes Desmond white?

Isn’t it established that Desmond has both Native American and Arab origins? And somehow, that makes Desmond white?

I guess not reading the article about how Maker Studios doesn’t actually do anything for most content creators just slipped by, and you just wanted to put someone else on blast and go off topic?