What things are “never admissible”? There is no such category. If evidence is so indicative of the guilt of a suspect that it would cause you to change your opinion of his guilt, prosecutors would absolutely fight to include it. If it is so obviously inadmissible that prosecutors won’t even fight for it, how could it…
Inadmissible evidence does presented to the court, because before it is admissible, a judge has to rule it is inadmissible. If there was a fight about the inadmissibility of evidence in a high profile case, we would know what that evidence was.
I’m sorry, I don’t mean to be pedantic, but you seem to be confusing the sealing of court records with admissibility of evidence. Sealing court records would keep something from public view, but wouldn’t routinely happen in a criminal case. Evidence that is inadmissible can’t be presented to the jury, but nothing at…
I’m glad you focused in on the important part of this story.
I don’t know if that’s true, but if it is...yuck. Yet another problem with the criminal justice system in this country. The job of police is not just to be able to point to someone. The job is to actually investigate and fairly determine the person most likely to have committed the crime based on all available…
There is no reason inadmissible evidence couldn’t be made public.
He didn’t forget. He has had nagging shoulder injuries that have left him basically unable to throw like a normal person. That is why he is at first base. That throwing motion you saw was what he was doing at third base, and it led to wildly unpredictable throws.
I would have been more comfortable with Zimmerman running the ball over to third base than watching that awkward cross-field throw.
Yes. Calling Hillary a liar and a criminal and shitting on the DNC is one thing. We can all have fund doing that! But insulting people doing what they can to survive is blatantly offensive. People who have Section 8 housing, or who get a welfare check, or who receive SNAP benefits, are not living the good life. That…
Well, for this guy, he has been raised as a “sovereign citizen,” so of course it would make its way into court filings. To this guy, asking your question is like asking why people keep praying when someone has a terminal illness.
I, jezbanned, hereby reject the U.S. government corporate entity JEZBANNED. I insist to pay all debts of the aforementioned and earn the release in accordance with the UCC.
Another reason to vote for Clinton! Get this guy out of the Senate and put him in a position where he will have no ability to determine whether the Hyde Amendment remains the law!
No serious person anywhere has said that government and large pharmaceutical companies are always to be trusted.
Medical exemptions already are part of the process. There is no single state with any sort of mandatory vaccination requirement that doesn’t allow for medical exemptions. It would be fucking insane to force someone to get an injection that would seriously harm or kill them. No one serious is proposing that or ever has…
Absolutely! I am most certainly going to start saying this to people.
So then what the hell are you talking about? If Jill Stein supports mandatory vaccination, then shouldn’t your rant be directed at her?
I’m not smart enough to understand what the fuck you are talking about, but I love this nonetheless.
That’s exactly the problem though. People who refuse to vote for Hillary Clinton will constantly point to her pandering and how she refuses to take a principled controversial stand. Yet many of them are oferring up as an alternative thi. s woman who is cravenly pandering on a significant public health issue to appeal…
You’re painting a picture of a system that does not exist. Even in places with “mandatory” vaccination laws, the consequence of failing to vaccinate your children is they can’t go to school, a consequence you seem fine with. No one is being forced to get a vaccine they don’t want to get.