Why “relative to the other female speakers"?
Why “relative to the other female speakers"?
Myself? No. But I can give an interesting quote from Rawls’s “On Pickling.”
I see. And some people think cucumbers taste better pickled.
Not sure I see the distinction there. I am a property owner, in many ways, and I do not think of my property in the same terms as I think of my body. I think they are quite distinct, and I certainly do not view my property “rights” in the same way I view my bodily autonomy.
So? What kind of country do these idiots think we live in?
You think an assertion of bodily autonomy is also an assertion about property rights?
What about “What I do with my own body is my own business” is objectionable to you?
“But I find that I’m actually OK with organizations trying to reduce abortions if they do it by 1) increasing birth control access and sex education, 2) increasing resources for all mothers after birth, and 3) recognizing that there will always, always be abortions, and so we need to make sure they are as safe as…
Right, or any other reason a woman might choose to terminate a pregnancy because she doesn’t want to carry it to term.
But that’s their end goal. This guy got elected in part because he was pro-choice. And they are framing themselves in relation to their views on abortion.
Right. What these people, and Flying Squid, don’t understand, is that the “pro-life until birth” criticism only highlights one aspect of hypocrisy of the typical pro-life position. It is not THE problem. THE problem is the attempt to control what a woman can do with her body.
Yeah, okay, but they are defining themselves by their stance on abortion. It’d be great if all those other things were in place that would make it easier to choose to carry through an unwanted pregnancy. But (1) those things aren’t in place and they are still advocating for barriers to abortion and (2) even if those…
You realize that the 4 rapes a day is not the total number of rapes a day in India, right?
This list is an even hotter take. Holy shit. Kobe?
Okay. It being center left must have been why conservatives and the health industry were virulently aligned against it, so much so that it launched a generation long smear campaign against her.
He was very popular and exciting in college, and I’m sure many in Cleveland saw him as a potential savior, but yes, he never actually accomplished anything. Still, COMPLETELY OUT OF FOOTBALL within 2 years is spectacular, even considering what little he accomplished.
This is great, of course, but I’d like to point out how RG3 is still causing everyone to lose sense of all reason. There is no way his “fall from grace” was worse than Manziel’s. Manziel was a highly touted, exciting first round pick who is now out of football because he cannot stop drinking long enough to learn how…
I get the uniform thing. At the end of the day, though, it’s hard to imagine this as more than a minor annoyance even for someone finicky about their uniforms. That he makes things about putting business before winning is just a next level of absurdity. There are 100 different this that legimitately affect performance…
Counter counter point: If a pitcher can do what they are asked to do in less than ideal conditions, they can handle pitching one game with a uniform that is less than ideal. After all, pitchers do NOT have 100% control over their uniforms. I kind of doubt that if baseball players could choose the most comfortable…