
What does this mean?

You are absolutely right. Flag pins are political just the same as BLM pins. If the judge allows one but not the other, he is endorsing one viewpoint over another, and that is problematic under the First Amendment.

“I love my country” is absolutely a political expression.

Sure, let’s be an apologist for an out of control judge. I am not sure where you get this idea that “free expression is not something that has ever been allowed on the courtroom.” Judges have the right to control proceedings in their courtroom, including ensuring there remains a particular level of decorum. But that

Pitchers pitch in 95 degree whether with off the charts humidity. They pitch in 45 degree days. They pitch with the mid-day sun blaring down on them. They pitch in rain and in snow. On grass and on turf. Pitchers, like all athletes, are asked to perform in a wide variety of less-than-ideal conditions. If Chris Sale

I just want to be on record as saying how courageous Chris Sale is for standing up for what he believes in. Why should he ever have to feel less than 100% comfortable? He is so brave.

“There has been occasional resentment behind the scenes about Lowe’s role, however. It didn’t help that he joined from the site created by Bill Simmons—whose beefs with ESPN proper are numerous and don’t need to be recounted here—and multiple ESPNers told me there was some chafing that Lowe got to work with his old

If that’s how you feel about HRC and the importance of third parties, fine. You vote for who you want based on your own principles for your own reason. I am not here to tell you who to vote for or why, I don’t have that power. And I’m not going to tell you you owe Hillary your vote - it is her job to earn it, and

Where did I say you were obligated to vote for Clinton. Vote for who you want based on what you think is important to you. That is fine. I am not hear to tell you who to vote for, and I have not done so. What I am calling out as bullshit is this nonsense by some Bernie supporters like you that the reason they will


I have no idea what I’m supposed to have gotten “wrong” about you.

You were never going to vote for Hillary anyways. Sanders lost, and he lost rather easily. Did you honestly think Hillary Clinton and her supporters were going to be blowing smoke up the ass of supporters of a candidate that got beaten soundly? Sorry, that’s not how it works. If you can’t be bothered to put away your

I’m sorry, but Hillary Clinton’s first major political battle, the one that cost her a tremendous amount of political capital (much of which she has not gotten back) and which was the motivation for a tremendous amount of the hate she received from the right, was championing universal health care.

You spelled “ex-boyfriend" wrong.

Yep. One or two proofreading errors are signs of a shitty writer. Sure thing.

People don’t have to imagine much about you. You put shit out here on public display. I know more about your sad life than I know about most of my relatives.

Well, I imagine if doing this weren’t palliative to some degree in some way, you wouldn’t do it. You must love the attention you get from picking fights on here. It’s really sad to think about how pathetic a life must get to be at that point.

Okay man. Kind of weird that you make a point of telling me which replies you’re reading, but whatever brings comfort to your obviously sad, miserable life. Best of luck.

I said I was done arguing with you. It is obvious you live a sad pathetic life devoid of anything resembling happiness. What you think about Speedy Gonzalez or your “Latinx friends” is largely immaterial. People like you are to be pitied, not argued with. I think it’s really sad how you use Kinja to troll for

There have to be healthier ways of finding happiness than trolling websites and getting people to argue with you endlessly. I hope you find them.