The fact that women aren’t allowed to drive, and so have trouble living an independent life without someone to drive them around? And that Uber is profiting off this? Yeah, I’d say that’s a fair main concern.
The fact that women aren’t allowed to drive, and so have trouble living an independent life without someone to drive them around? And that Uber is profiting off this? Yeah, I’d say that’s a fair main concern.
Yes, Gawker has never published anything negative about Clinton. And maybe you should send in a tip about Whitewater and Foster, I’ll bet any journalist would love to have the scoop on those totally fresh and relevant stories.
Weird. I am not worried about wage or employment competition from legal or illegal immigrants. And I’m not really that worried about terrorism. I am worried about job loss and wage stagnation, but that affects women as well as men. And I don’t find it outrageous for women to be worried about their reproductive rights…
I don’t think she called it awful, but bad. And the reason it’s bad isn’t necessarily because he disapproves of sex work and says so, but it’s because he disapproves and advocates for a solution that has been shown to be harmful to women. Throw in that he says itin a bit of a way that says “I know what’s best for you…
Brown has to do with race discrimination under the 14th Amendment. Gender discrimination receives a lower degree of scrutiny, so separate but equal is okay in more circumstances. I don’t think any court has ever held that separately gendered bathroom facilities violates the 14th Amendment.
I mean....okay. That’s a pretty weird and narrowing condition, since the overwhelming majority of coverage of him (or any politician) does not involve the media actually talking to him.
He could a well-renowned, highly-regarded actor with a lengthy acting career a “supermodel” who was “not a proper actor.” It’s one thing to say he didn’t enjoy working with her or had different styles or whatever. But he falsely trivialized a highly successful career.
Well, no one said it is a crime, so not sure why you are bringing it up. It is possibly a hidden indication of something where he, unprovoked, slams her while going out of his way to praise her male co-stars. And where there is literally no indication from anyone she’s ever worked with, or even any anonymous…
Reeeeally not true. The press is not some monolithic entity. Sure, Fox News and Breitbart are suckling at the teat of Trump. But other media outlets routinely call him out for his bullshit, and have since he announced his campaign. Many called him out for “Mexicans are rapists,” they called him out for “Ban Muslims,”…
I believe Title IX specifically carves out the provision of separate bathroom/locker room facilities from prohibited discrimination. The logic would be: You can discriminate by providing separate facilities for different genders and having a rule that one has to use the correctly gendered bathroom, but you cannot tell…
[F]orcing a person of one biological sex to be exposed to persons of the opposite biological sex profoundly offends this dignity and freedom. Have we not universally condemned as inhumane such forced exposure throughout history as it occurred in various contexts, such as in prisons? And do parents not universally find…
Of course they can. But a lot of remakes are unnecessary and have bad trailers. But no remake has received the level of vitriol this one has, at least not that I’m aware of. What do you think is the reason for that?
I don’t think that, because I’m a guy. And I never said or implied that absolutely everything is dedicated to oppressing women.
So then what is the point you are trying to make? You admit that this movie is receiving an excess amount of vitriol based on sexism, so.....I mean, that is the only point anyone discussing this is making.
So do you think it is normal for a movie to receive the level of vitriol this movie has received based on (1) the concept of the movie and (2) the trailer?
“This does not mean that the majority of people are not actually reasonable in their dislike of the movie.”
The majority of people haven’t even seen the movie.
Well....yeah. If “New Ghostbusters is being remade with all-female cast” receives more vitriol than would “New Ghostbusters is being remade,” then it’s reasonable to think the excessive vitriol is due to sexism. Not sure what point you think you are making, and not sure where you get your authority on “vocal minority.”
I don’t think anyone has ever claimed that sexism is the “only” reason the movie is disliked. It might be a bad movie. But bad movies are released every year. It is receiving an inordinate amount of hate compup.ared to what normal bad movies receive, which is typically that some people say it is bad and then it…