
My grandfather always used to insist on his plate being warmed in a hot oven before dinner was served to keep his food hot, including at restaurants. He did however pay attention when he was told his plate was hot. Unlike my Dad who managed to burn himself every. single. time. within five seconds on being warned.

I figure it this way, shitty kids come from shitty parents, as the little bastards have to learn it from somebody!

You’re in luck! Cleanses don’t actually do anything useful. Go eat something nice, guilt-free.

That’s okay, you won’t be missed.

I’d argue that mixing spirits with any kind of diet soda is the real crime here.

I knew someone who wouldn’t drink whole milk. He said you might as well drink butter.

I work at a tourist trap in Houston (it’s all about spaaace!) and while it’s essentially a museum, people treat it as if it’s DisneyWorld and they should be treated like fucking royalty. So when there is a 2 hour wait for a tour and parents ask me why and I explain the whole concept of a large amount of people wanting

“Well you said you wanted to order from the lunch menu, but the lunch menu isn’t served again until tomorrow...”

He made life choices to get him to that point in life where he’d get sauce dumped on his car. The subway worker didn’t make those kinds of life choices and so it’s not her fault that he did. Also, his life choices enable him to afford a cleaning for his fancy car.

I don’t always, depending on whether it would compromise my safety, but i try to stand up for people. I watched a cashier belittle the man ahead of me in line at a supermarked for not knowing how to use his food benefits card, so i showed him how, and then reported her to the manager. Very satisfying. I have also

My favorite Ron Swanson line of all time is the “Skim milk is just water that is lying about being milk” one.

I got to the end, saw a lack of knife, and yelled at my monitor NOOOOO CHEKHOV HATES YOUUUUUUUUU

coprocephalus (“shithead”)... that fits, and I’ll use it

That’s not fair, I want all of my food cooked in delicious rendered duck fat and that bitch was getting it free!

Where’s the MEATLOAF?!?!

What I do not understand are the other people who are dining with assholes like that. Who just watches that shit happen?! Everyone has a bad day and can get snippy without realizing it, but to hurl insults, curse words, and saliva at a 15 year old kid who is in control of your food? And then for everyone else to watch

A few nights ago, one of my Papa Johns co-workers fell down as he was about to put a pizza in the oven. Amazingly, he still got the pizza into the oven even as he was falling down. It was pretty remarkable.

God, this was so beautiful. Puts me in mind of a story...

I’m imagining the Carl’s Jr. employee launching through the window like Amethyst on Steven Universe.

Oh I do love revenge stories, they make me happy rather than raise my blood pressure. Pizza guy especially, I love when the screwing over is specifically their own doing.