Oh yeah. The same thing used to happen to me. People suck.
Oh yeah. The same thing used to happen to me. People suck.
That's bullshit. A couple years ago I stopped my husband from accidentally almost feeding our Vegetarian friend a peach ring. (Gelatin isn't vegetarian obvs)
I'm a meat eater, and super offended by what they did to you. Next time you go over to their house I recommend slicing open a Durian fruit and leaving it somewhere hard to find. HAHA, YOU MACHO MURICANS GET GASSED BY A PLANT!
Meat-eaters and vegans are getting into an angry spat involving a New York restaurant, and oh my God can they both…
I actually love The Middle. My husband, white man #1983928374, totally relates to Axel.
my grandmother didn't give beauty advice. She smoked a lot of cigarettes, wore a lot of mumus, and said things like " smarten up chickaboom!"
I nearly blew my lid when he said he's heard stories of kids getting mental disorders after vaccination. Like no. You fucking did not. You heard LIES about kids getting mental disorders after vaccinations. STOP TRYING TO USE YOUR BULLSHIT ANECDATA TO REFUTE ACTUAL SCIENCE YOU ILLITERATE FUCK.
Well, then a Kirby Delauter to you as well.
oh man now my dog is DEFS gunna join in. she will be so confused. but she actually watches a lot of political news so i assume she would actually be on our side.
Yes, Kirby Delateur. Even Kirby Delateur had enough sense not to 'shush' a reporter. Kirby Delateur did write a ridiculous post on Kirby Delateur's FB, but at least Kirby Delateur didn't 'shush' someone.
Did you say Kirby Delauter? Or did I hear you incorrectly and you really just meant Kirby Delauter? Like, the other Kirby Delauter. Or maybe you were talking about Kirby Delauter. Either way, Kirby Delauter.
god i heard the clip and i wanted to punch his face off his face and then take his skin face and tan it and then put that on a dart board and use it and then attach that to a missile and blow it up and then take the ashes of that and pee on them and then take that and put it under the part of my yard where my dog pees…
OMG my boyfriend literally grabbed me and pulled me into the room yesterday to watch what an asshole Paul was being to Evans. He was absolutely ranting about it, rewinding the TV all "I have to show this to you..." I think he was even more pissed about it than I was.
Yeah I just usually say: Don't tell me what to do! Even if I am being completely unreasonable over unripe avocados. I hate it when some men automatically assume a woman is hysterical when her voice is slightly raised. Jesus.
Though the whole "you can't shush a woman" angle was a bit weird.
So frankly, I think if we do this again, you need to start out with a little more objectivity going into the interview.