this is serious adult shit?
this is serious adult shit?
How are anyone “appropriate” popular slang - don’t they know that blacks are always separate and apart - never real americans or Incorporated into the greater community and that by using a popular term - bae - which - and who the fuck knows what it means, these niggas are not on fleek?
really -with the insanely stupid shit black people name their children? at least it’s spelled correctly...
I’m a major dick with anger issues and other insecurities - and yet I can’t imagine treating a server like that...
no - drag has been a staple of Halloween forever - and if it’s now the equivalence of racism for a man to dress like a owman on halloween - then go fuck yourself with Bruce’s old withered dick...
It’s a shitty costume - but since she has made her transition into a money/fame/TV grab, she deserves ridicule...
“...who made his money and gained his fame in a musical genre invented by black Americans...”
That’s right - she could get one of her many many many minions or one of her millions of fans to tie the old biddies shoes for her...
I love Alanis, but she’s been a lot less than vital since her first album...after that she may’ve been a critic’s choice and artist’s darling...but that’s about it...
another idiot spewing safely from the country s/he despises...
I guess Snark will only protect you so much... one day American men may get sick of snarky cunts and go all mexicano on you motherfuckers...
fair point - luckily most girls have some use as soon as their pussies are wide enough for penetration...
Anna Snarky Cunt Merlan is so busted...
Snarky Cunting only proves his point...
bullshit!Jezebel had a HYSTERICAL FREAK OUT over yesterday’s banners - what did you run - three or four stories? You’re fucking Victorian Scolds - and can’t even admit it that you’re like a fucking right winger: as long as someone - somewhere - is having the WRONG kind of fun, than you can’t either...
fuck you Nazi pig...
ban stuff we don’t like - problem solved...
maybe they’re giving you and all those who would disband then a big fuck off - they don’t owe you, feminism or anybody a drop of piss... to compare this to the No Means Yes chant is indictive of the way rape has been so over used it means nothing anymore...
the dick dribble exposed this otherwise brilliant act - no man dribbles with their dick
For women though, some psychological and societal barriers make the process a bit more complicated and difficult.