Bernard Frogel

I would rather pay the sub for both crunchyroll and funimation like I have been for about a year, than suffer though low res and ads. I don’t mind paying monthly for access to a huge library, as long as I don’t have to sit though any more insipid commercials.

What about the assholes in the messy webs that don’t even bother to learn engineering in spider school, like the black widow and brown recluse?

Was that debunked? I hope not...

Maybe this is a DDoS mitigation provider creating more demand for their product in a very noticeable way. You think it's possible or likely?

From what I understand, we cannot focus on the scant visible light that streams our way from these extremely distant objects. Almost every visible light illustration we see in media is an artists representation with data taken from multiple other wavelengths.

Wow! He really commits to those stunts... one wrong move and he would be dead :*(

This looks like some serious fun! Instead of the usual MMORPG with the click and hit number keys and hot keys, it seems to me to be something I could play on an XBox 360 controller for the pc. Which is important for me. Scoliosis makes playing on the mouse and keyboard too painful anymore, so all games that are

I've loved Saints Row ever since the first one came out on the Xbox. Every one of them is a blast to play.

I still get bad saves for Fallout: New Vegas. When I try to load them, it gets stuck on the loading screen with the roulette wheel spinning until I quit the game with task manager. This is with multiple computers built over the years since it was released.

I wonder how many have minor concussions from getting kicked in the head over and over?

It was pure luck, or so we thought, that the alien race this robot was designed by had programmed it to communicate in ASL (American sign language). Otherwise we never would have known that the purge was coming.

I've never used twitter. I'm not sure what the point is exactly. The only thing I can figure it's used for is a faster method of getting info and news out to followers than waiting for a post on a site would be. Thank you for the Facebook link, I'll give that a shot and look into setting up a twitter account. I'll let

I sent an email to and I am still looking for more points of contact that might be more appropriate. Any ideas on who to send this to?

I would really love to have a 3D model of this to play with and pan/tilt/zoom along with frequency filters like… has. The thought of being on a planet and seeing one of these coronal loops arcing from below the horizon, and seeing the flow of the material to the vertex of the

You tend to spend money without wincing when it makes your kids happy. Especially when it doesn't go over $100. Of course, when my daughter was 8, I started having her do chores and save her money so that she could help defer some of the cost and learn a valuable life lesson. You have to be prepared to work for what

The way I see it, you now have an extra kid. Nothing to be scared of, unless you get their names mixed up. Then one of them might get mad.

So what's keeping the bugs from crawling up onto your bed? Which is worse, bugs or monsters?

Nasal Lavage would do you some miraculous good. It actually cleans out what's in there and leaves behind a proper environment for your nasal passages. Buy a kit with refills from your local drug store and give it a go. It might be weird at first to have that stuff coming out like it does, but it's the best way to

Lego??? what was that doing in there?

Time to see an ear, nose, and throat doctor about that and ask some very specific questions until you are satisfied with the answers and feel like you can't think of anything else to ask for that visit. There might be something else going on there besides your body making too much ear wax. First thing that comes to