Jewfro Tull

There was also this:

I'm still trying to mentally process the fact that Lorenzo Music was the voice of Garfield, then went on to do the voice of Peter Venkman on The Real Ghostbusters, and then Bill Murray became the voice of Garfield.

Found this: a Serbian-produced Hägar the Horrible short that, unlike the CBS special, is actually (gasp!) good! No shit - it's funny and well animated.…

Sheltie, that must explain why I double-posted. It was a recurring dream. BLAAAAAAMMMMMMMP!

Oh this is interesting - the guy doing the voice of Pogo also provided the voice for Fritz The Cat in Ralph Bakshi's R. Crumb adaptation. (which worked about as well as either of these Pogo specials)

I recall sometime in the 70s there was a claymation Pogo special. Did I dream that?

Marty Ingels. That lucky fuck.

Yes if anything can be said about "Chinese Restaurant" it's that it is unlike any sitcom episode that had come before. Maybe you're being influenced by all the similar sitcom episodes that have come after?

Agreed. I've never understood the hate for "Principal And The Pauper". It's a funny episode, Martin Sheen is great, and if people can't take a little cavalier attitude towards continuity then they shouldn't be watching cartoons.

..and Groucho calling him "Stew" for short is a joke.


That "El Paso/great big hassle" line is truly awful, but it also provides the reason I always smile when it comes on, which is that I sing along with it as "then they ran into a great big asshole."

"Impressive fluidity"
There's a reason for the "impressive fluidity". It's that they're using the same rotoscope technique that has existed since animation began, from Koko The Clown to Waking Life - it's just tracing each frame of live action photography. No big trick to it.

The Coneheads on Family Feud

The Honeymooners
It's too bad "The $99,000. Answer" episode of The Honeymooners doesn't count, because I really think it is one of the finest half hours of situation comedy ever produced.

Scatman Crothers was Hong Kong Phooey.

I am a pussy, I know
I'm afraid to watch these DVDs because they are both so emotional for me. I haven't watched either one in years because I cannot get through them without bawling like a baby.

There was one scene where Julie Newmar walks away, and the camera lingers on her (fine, fine) ass, then Robin says "Gosh Batman, do you think we've seen the end of her?" How the hell did we not see that this show was a comedy?

"Baby You Can Drive My Car"
I did not figure out "Baby You Can Drive My Car" until about two days ago, when I was listening to "Rubber Soul" and it hit me: "Oh, she's saying 'When I'm rich and famous you can be my chauffeur'!"