Jewfro Tull

@Jim Fix I think you mean a 70's Charles Grodin/Johnny Carson impression.

I've never seen this film
Can I assume Keenan Wynn plays the unicorn?

"I absolutely loved Ghostbusters and its cartoon as a kid"

You're not "supposed" to find any of it worth reading. If you do, read it. If you don't, don't. Nobody is holding a fucking gun to your head. Spend some time in America.

It's Dan "Jack Black Wanted Too Much Money" Fogler to you!

I'm not asking if "Idiocracy" counts for this list, I'm just making an obligatory AVClub reference to it.

"No death greater than that of Harry Einstein"
"Ideally, every performer would go out like Einstein"

Why does this look terrible? Why? Seriously, I want to know. Because it looks perfectly fine to me. I find Brand appealing and I thought the jokes were pretty funny. Honestly, I think you people are just being contrary for the sake of it.

@Dorkus No, I would not call them by male pronouns and interact with them differently. Out of respect for their basic humanity I would call them whichever pronoun they wish. It would pain me to hurt a (theoretical) friend's feelings.

Here's a joke:
Q: What do you call a man who's had a sex change operation?
A: A man.

The wrong kid died!
The wrong kid died!


Painfully lame? I disagreee.
Painfully lame? It seems like you haven't picked up the New Yorker in a long time, Steve, and still subscribe to the old image of a New Yorker cartoon as a kind of esoteric doodle, which was lampooned so well on "Seinfeld". Granted, some of them still fit in to that mold, but at the same


What are the names of three recently discovered species of mold spore?

What kind of playing is being played here the past two nights?
You can't play shit! There's not a man among you who can go out there and play the job like a man. You're all up there, fuckin' high school, bullshit jive artists. You jived me for the last fuckin' time. Now keep your fuckin' mouth shut or I'll show you

yep, they're right: Deep Thoughts IS a book, and Jack Handey is NOT a fictional character.

Just a crazy old hermit who lives out beyond the Dune Sea.
Well, the big no-brainer here is Sir Alec Guinness.

Superdeformed, you are like a cop who plants evidence. For shame.

if you are a Steve Martin fan Born Standing Up is an absolute must.