Jewfro Tull

It had more to do with the fact that by that time Martin had been on The Tonight Show, and Michaels was trying to be the counterculture alternative to that kind of old timey show biz. He didn't see until later that Steve belonged with him more than with Carson.

Not For You
I've always loved "Not For You". To me it's not specifically about Eddie Vedder, but something more universal - a cry against a culture of voyeurism and gossip and unlimited "sharing". I think of myself as someone who values his privacy and I feel like I completely understand the character in that song.

The Simpsons Movie
I'd just like to point out that the real commentary on "The Simpsons Movie" is pretty good. Groenig and co. actually pause the movie at several points so they can discuss certain scenes at length. I appreciate that extra effort.

Ditto. Burton is a terrible commenter. He goes long stretches without talking. "Um, Tim… could you pick up the pace a little? I paid money for this disc!"

insert unwieldly title here
I'm going to take a risk here and bet that the length of its title will not affect my enjoyment of the Harry Nilsson movie.

Keith, I want to play poker with you.

Au contraire - that has made countless celebrities.

Step Right Up
Wow, I've had "Small Change" for 25+ years and never knew that was Cassandra Peterson!

@mandaliet Do they also say "in lef" in lieu of "in lieu"?

The Seven Ups
The Seven Ups is mostly forgotten, but it's quite good, especially the big centerpiece car chase that goes all the way from midtown to Westchester county.

What would Godzilla and Megalon stand on top of in their incredibly deceptive U.S. release poster?

Boy, if N'Sync had ended up in "Attack Of The Clones" that movie would have sucked.

No, no, Jim Belushi's scene was added BECAUSE the ending was changed. If Frank Oz had been able to keep the original (wonderful, awesome) "Don't Feed The Plants" ending, there would have been no need for Belushi's appearance.

"Zoolander" had a WTC shot hastily cut out before it was released on Friday, Sept 14th.

He's not supposed to be Australian, he's supposed to be "dubbed" by a Kiwi actor, as many early Martial Arts films were dubbed in New Zealand.

maybe next week you can do the opposite concept: "Actors Whose Scenes Were Awkwardly Tacked On After The Fact"

Toschi Station
Koo Stark was almost in "Star Wars"

I just can't get into this guy.
I don't know why. I'm a big Gilliam fan, I used to be a Tim Burton fan (he's dead to me now, of course) but this guy's work just leaves me cold. I remember when Delicatessen came out everyone I knew went nuts, so I went to see it and it just didn't hook me. I just sat there thinking

Where is the hate?
Hey, can we get some hate over here for the premise of this thing? I hate this premise so much it hurts - "genetically engineered" my ass.