Jewfro Tull

I neither seek nor require forgiveness.

Now I am insane.

I Deesire
Devo's "I Desire" made use of John Hinckley's poetry in the lyrics.

Wait, so the actual song "I'm A Nut" doesn't make the list?

I always thought he represented parental anxiety - "this is what you could raise if you screw up, and it will come back looking for you".

well, I wouldn't buy him as Max Cady, sure, but in FDTD he has to be a criminal AND likable by the end, so y'know you need a Clooney for that.

i want candy
What, no love for Harry, The Guy With The Snake On His Face?

Bronson: "They didn't have dollars back then"
Robards: "No. But sons of bitches, yeah."

He had me at "a pitiless, grinning Klaus Kinski". Now I must see this film.

before the old west was old
as regards the European fascination with the American west dating back to the 1890s, it's worth noting that "A Study In Scarlet", one of the first Sherlock Holmes stories, has a long section taking place there.

Thank you for not using the phrase "torture porn" anywhere in this review.

I seem to remember
they did this guy once before, I think it was one of the first random Roles. Maybe that's where they covered all the ones people seem to think they left out…

this entire thing is on youtube

lobsters when will you get it? It's not your dissenting view that's the problem, it's that you express it in a dickish way.

Y'ever meet those people when you're coming out of a movie theater, who walk up to you - a total stranger - and ask "Was it good?" What the fuck is wrong with those people?

Davis made his publisher wait until after the election to release the book because he didn't want to hurt Al's chances. Davis is nothing if not generous, and this comes through at many points in the book. It's another reason I liked it, and him.

thumbs up from me
Hey I just finished reading this today and thought it was terrific.

yes you did
Yes, Noel. Yes, you did see a celebrity roast of superheroes.

I have seen the pilot for "Fargo" starring Edie Falco. It exists.

"Lookwell" is pretty good too. It's pure Conan. Any love for it?