Jewfro Tull

Jerry Seinfeld has said that his show, particularly in its later seasons, was meant to evoke this.

judged, not jidged

Source material schmource material. These are movies and should be jidged on their own merits. Which of these films, Bakshis or Jacksons - would be better to someone who has never read or heard of the books?

I don't know how the Balrog is described in the book, but it looks ridiculous in this film.

The Balrog in this is the lowest point - it's a guy in a foolish costume, and because they used rotoscoping, all it looks like is a guy in a foolish costume. Didn't it occur to Bakshi that this film is *animated* and they could make it look like *anything* they wanted??

"Gilda Live" makes me sad now.

I had "Let's Get Small" as a kid (when I was … well, y'know) and I just repurchased it and relistened to it last week. It held up fine for me, probably because so very little of it was topical.

Yes! Love it!

That was good stuff, in spite of or maybe because of the accuracy of the title.

I had many…
When I was a kid I had… and virtually memorized…

if that 1966 BBC "Alice" is the one I'm thinking of, it's pretty damn good. Directed by Jonathan Miller and starring Peter Cook as the Mad Hatter. It's in B & W and minimalist with the costumes and makeup, but very cool.

Roger Rabbit
I have told many people that "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" is a remake of "Chinatown" but they don't believe me.

Shit just got real?? But I just got too old for this shit!

I really love this picture
Really love it.

AJ, that's partly where I'm coming from. In real life a guy like Caden would have strained his friends and loved ones' patience to the breaking point years ago. I know from experience that there's a point at which people's ability to empathize and sympathize just turns off, especially if you're not giving the other

Why I Didn't Like This Movie
My problem with this film, and none of the critical praise I've heard addresses it, is this: Quite simply, the character is a drag.

nice P-Funk reference there

Thanks Dr Poop. Forgive my memory loss, I'm… well, I'm old enough to have watched that episode when it aired.

but Spike Lee got it very much right with the white character (I forget the name) in "Do The Right Thing" saying his favorite musician is Prince.