Jewfro Tull

Zero Mostel
I wonder: did Woody get the idea to have Larry David step into Zero's shoes after seeing him play Max Bialystock?

Hold on - this and My Breakfast With Blassie get released the same week and THIS is the one that gets the Criterion edition? Why those no-good scum-sucking pencil-neck geeks!

"So my question… How DO most Americans.. SEE this guy?"

Mint you've just made me imagine "The Diary Of Anne Heche" and for that I thank you.

I downloaded their Star wars Holiday Special riff and synced it up in Quicktime with a SW Holiday Special I got from Google. It worked pretty well and I think its hilarious, although it may also qualify as "shooting fish in a barrel".

you're thinking of Tucker The Man And His Dream.

Louis Tully in the Ghostbuster outfit with Slimer driving a bus ruined the movie for me.

Bilbo Baggins was the bravest, according to Spock.


the Statue Of Liberty dancing is darker than Mr. Sta-Puft, with his roar and scowl?

Used Cars
Used Cars

any version of London where you can be a writer and/or a cartoonist and still live in that building is great by me.


I would eat at Roughhouse's every day, and if they do the song every day I'd sing my part, which would probably be "Everything is fast food chains/ from your lemon to your sugar canes".

those other three mentions came in while I was typing.

nobody said Springfield?
seriously this is the AVClub isn't it and nobody chose Springfield?

The phrase "I like this" cannot be contradicted, nor can the phrase "I don't like it", which means 99% of all music criticism is a total fucking waste of time.

no Afroman?

I have an honest and sincere question here - why do people even bother getting into "It's good" "No, it sucks" type of discussions? Haven't people figured out by now the meaning of the word "subjective"? I really wonder sometimes.

wait wait I thought of one…
I don't know who does it - it's that song that goes "Oh, ho, ho It's magic you know… Never believe, it's not so…"