Jewfro Tull

Why did I even bother read this?
I knew it was going to be mostly stuff I've never heard of.

now I'm sad he's dead.

Malpractice? What is that the word of the day?

Oswald the Octopus was pretty druggy, in my opinion.

Doc you thought Ren & Stimpy was a kids show?

how about
those things from that Styx album? You know, the "modren man, with parts made in japan"?

I;m pretty sure The Black Hole and Sunday School both taught you the same thing about the afterlife i.e. nothing even remotely close to the truth.

Stormtroopers belong on this list, according to an informal survey of your parents

Why didn't you mention Adrienne Barbeau's army of murderous Barbeaubots? They're actually REAL, and they took over a Roy Rogers near Tuscon and turned it into a human zoo!

actual quote from the chairman of Mego that produced an unsuccessful line of Black Hole toys: "Vincent is going to make R2-D2 look like a pile of sticks"

but they aren't really robots, are they? I always thought they were grown and genetically engineered like living beings, but the materials used to grow them were all synthetically produced., and that's why it would have been impossible to change their life span after the fact.

Muahhhhh the French…

Isn't "Dawn Of The Dinosaurs" the one that takes place in a shopping mall?

now let's get the ball game on the road

I wonder
is this a direct result of them signing with J & H Productions?

See now I was the opposite. My mother loved horror movies and she took me to see stuff for the sole purpose of scaring the shit out of me. Much of it fulfilled that promise, particularly The Omen II. Guy gets cut in half in an elevatorr. Nightmares dude, fucking nightmares.

I think that is exactly the premise of this article, and now thaat I think about it he was pretty scary, at least the 70s version of him. Grimace too. He had four arms at one time.

The 70s anyone? Helooo?
God you people are all so young…

"Stump The Hosts"

Herry Monster. I hid behind the couch from Herry Monster whenever he would come on.