Your math sucks.
Your math sucks.
The fact anyone takes that website seriously is beyond me. It's about as reliable as the one that decided the Jonas brother's wife was faking a pregnancy. They are the 9/11 truthers of the gossip world.
I'm normally fairly stoic, but there's something about losing one's significant other/fiance/husband that just destroys me.
I like them both because I'm a rebel like that.
Hahahaha, $30 for a Broadway ticket. That's cute.
I guess you would be in a perfect place to sing "Hasa Diga Eebouwai".
Every time I see the phrase "skid row" I instantly get this stuck in my head.
It is none of your business who your friend invites or doesn't invite to her wedding. If she wants you there and not your boyfriend, you have a choice to make about if you want to go. You should not call her out on it. Wedding invitations are such tricky things - so emotionally fraught on all sides - and nobody has a…
Personally I don't think anything the bride or groom is doing is horrible, but they could just go about it in a more tactful way. Sounds like all of these issues stem from their small budget. Their friends should be supportive and understanding of their budget limitations rather than getting offended because they…
I thought Jennifer Garner was staying relevant by starring in multiple Oscar nominated films. My mistake must be those pictures of her picking her kids up from school.
I just think it's really easy to feel superior to people who complain about flying. Yes, of course, it's a fucking miracle, but that doesn't mean it can't be incredibly stressful and physically and emotionally taxing. When I'm tired and dehydrated and stiff from sitting with my knees crammed up against the seat in…
I'm sorry, but if you seriously think that the LW should just put up with their coworkers' kids because finding childcare is hard, you need to reevaluate your life. Part of having kids is making sure that they're be properly supervised. Period. My parents brought me to work when I was sick/there was no other option.…
I honestly found them to be both pretty reprehensible toward one another, but then, I was also never a fan of their pairing. There's something for telling a story about unhealthy relationships, but never for a moment did I personally get the appeal. Rather than seeing the eye-candy, all I saw were two people (or one…
I think the reason your argument is coming off poorly is because you're making it seem like these women that go see all these male-centric movies have no agency and aren't choosing to see them for themselves.
Gee, I don't know. How about both or possibly neither (at least not entirely), seeing as how Palestinians, last I checked, don't operate as a hive mind? But that's not a very black and white answer, so I doubt you'll like it very much.
Um... you realize that the Christian Science Monitor's reporting has won seven Pulitzers, right? Including for reporting on the genocide in Srebrenica during the Balkan wars? It's generally a well-respected paper, particularly in the area of international reporting. The fact that you apparently have zero idea about…
Here's a recent article from the Christian Science Monitor saying essentially the same things. Most of the Palestinians that they spoke to, at least, are more pissed off with the Palestinian Authority's utter failure to create any kind of meaningful employment opportunities in the area than they are with Soda Stream.…
Israel didn't conquer a nation named Palestine. The occupied territories were controlled by nations in the Six Day War - Jordan, Syria, Egypt, Lebanon. Israel defeated their invasion, and kept the land these countries had on its border.
I think Israel's death-grip on territory is the direct result of the Holocaust and Jews reaction to it. Recall that the occupied territories became occupied, in large part, because the nations that owned them previously attacked Israel. These nations intended to deny Israel the right to exist, and to drive out the…