Yoga Lion

Deep red area? That district has been represented by a Democrat since 1963, and has gone over 70% for the Democrat in the last three presidential elections. It’s a REALLY blue district. Ellison actually UNDERPERFORMED Clinton in the district (he got 69.1%, she got 73.7%.

Deeply red area...?

Keith Ellison is a Muslim Democrat who has won his seat easily in a deeply red area.

I am absolutely underselling Ellison. I think Ellison would do a great job! In fact, I am underselling him to the exact same extent that HamNo is doing by saying that Perez is merely a stand-in for the Clintons.

The Democratic party doesn’t need to go left. It needs to convince all the non-batshit crazy moderate and centrist Republicans to come back from following the far right. Going more left doesn’t fix any of that. In fact, going farther left is only going to solidify the hold Republicans have right now. Why? Because old

No. Fuck the idea of cooling off on working for human rights.

You’re really making an awesome case here.

Perez is equally qualified and I think him serving in the Obama White House is a favorable thing. Just because people on the right think that experience is a bad thing doesn’t mean we have to fall into the same trap.

If Ellison does produce dozens of tiny Zephyr Teachouts, then this party is screwed because Zephyr Teachout has never won an election and lost her congressional district which Hillary carried by a 2 to 1 margin.

Seriously, the shittiest thing about this has been people completely denigrating an excellent Congressman or an intelligent, capable former Labor Sec just because they’re still raging about the 2016 primaries.

“Sorry disenfranchised and marginalized people, we’re focusing on white people again.”

I disagree with toning down the moral arguments. We have a moral case to make for our preferred policies and should make it. Not sure what making a moral case for reproductive justice, a better living wage and equality for all has to do with shitting on farmers tbh, seems like kind of a false choice you’re setting up.

Yeah but then you have to live in Kansas with a shit school system and no museums.

Tom Perez was the most progressive member of the Obama administration, is enormously competent, and is committed to rebuilding state-level Democratic politics. Keith Ellison is...endorsed by Bernie. That’s about it. The people who elect the DNC chair should ask themselves “Who will do a better job at building the

You’re saying this based on the fact that Bernie endorsed Ellison but I’ve been following this race and a) the ideological difference between Ellison and Perez is much smaller than you think, despite the endorsements, and b) the DNC chair doesn’t set the ideological tone of the party anyway—it’s an organizing and

The fact is, Bernie didn’t bring out the numbers Clinton did and he definitely didn’t bring out the numbers Obama did. The race between the two wasn’t close. I don’t know why people think the person who had the least support in the primary was going to win in a general when they couldn’t build a coalition of all the

What about those of us who really, really, really wanted Bernie, but when it came to vote did the right thing and voted for Hillary, even though we were in a solidly red state where it didn’t matter? Can we hold our heads high?

It makes no sense for Republicans to investigate Republicans.

Chaffetz has already said he isn’t having an investigation on the Trump-Russia links because “it’s resolved itself”. He’s a spineless partisan hack. Never expect anything more from the GOP.

On a lighter note, I have a kid that can fart on demand and name like 100 superheroes. Now accepting offers for representation.