Yoga Lion

And despite all this, they’re still paying their players more than the NFL’s minor league system.

No. Just raise better boys. Good kids who grow up with the proper understanding of what respect is do not turn into rapists because they joined some social club.


This argument is nonsensical. You first say she has paid artificially low taxes. You then acknowledge “the fact that she’s paid a lot” in taxes. 

Someday someone will be pure enough for Freddie.

I’m waiting for him to call Lebron, a guy who has gone to 7 straight NBA finals and won 3 of them, a loser. Also, he’s been league MVP 4 times. But this guy knows nothing about winning, right?

Trump’s expressed foreign policy plans are destructive. If you don’t vote Clinton, that blood is on your hands, not his, if he’s elected. He told you exactly what he would do. You consented by silence.

Have you read that article? The writer, with full access to decades of Clinton’s tax returns, makes ONE solitary claim about “tax dodging” by either Clinton: that they’ve placed the ownership of their pricey house in a “residence trust”; the writer does not explain what this means or how it constitutes tax dodging.

Dude... I was just making a basket joke.

Another blow to Trump in the critical basket demographic.

Good god, we get that you and the rest of the dude bro left hate her. Maybe you can join Jeff Weaver’s comic book revolution, he is looking for a few good women hating men

C’mon Freddie, you can take this up a notch. Has your corporate union-busting left you unable to really tell it to the black man?

All to achieve their dastardly rich-person plan of...raising taxes on the wealthy. Devious.

Or Lebron, like most sane people, realizes that a Trump presidency would be a disaster of epic proportions.

Anytime someone describes Hillary as ‘center-right’, it’s safe to tune out everything they say after.

Don’t even try dude. I work with one of these “She’s center-right” people, and I’ve realized that he’s just a lazy socialist who hates all rich people and thinks he’s sticking it to the man by refusing to vote for her.

Why don’t you answer the question of how much Tax Mr.Trump has paid in the last 20 years first? Stop dodging the question!

40+ million in 8 years. Lol @ calling that “notorious tax dodging.” What reality do you live in?

Hard to claim that someone who has paid 40+ million in federal and state taxes in the last 8 years is a tax dodger. How much has Trump paid?

I didn’t read the byline on this article but I read this: