
Men didn’t have a problem with the females that showed up in the earlier movies.. And they weren’t stupid, they were cool. If this movie decides to portray the men as dumb, creepy, or douchebags like that celluloid trash known as “Ghost Busters” “remake”, then its going to flop. The whole “man hating” thing is

Same, along with their friends lol.

If you’ve always loved FF and JRPG in general, then you very well may enjoy it. Its also one of the few MMO out there, that does have a very nice story to it, that you will find yourself getting into, especially with Heavensward. I love the story, and I love seeing things from all the Final Fantasy games currently

The game just doesn’t do it for me anymore, which I was afraid of happening, due to how they did it.. Definitely better than 1.0 which I did play, but while waiting to see how 2.0 was going to be, I played Dragon’s Dogma demo, and thought how awesome XIV would be, if the battles were more like DD.. I also hoped they’d

Final Fantasy looks better no doubt, Dragon’s Dogma however is far more fun. I really wish Final Fantasy XIV, took what made FFXI interesting, and deep like the elemental wheel, the way gear was done, and the exploration I liked being able to go into a dungeon alone, or with a friend, explore some of them, and end up

Actually he’s not a conservative, he’s a libertarian.. (I used to watch this show).