Jet Jaguar

Replace “Black Adam” with ego and “much of a bad boy” with ginormous.

*extremely Dave Chappelle voice*  This late capitalism is killing me inside!

John McCain enlisted so he could murder people whose politics he disagreed with.

It was amazing seeing Ted Cruz pretend to give a shit about Diamond & Silk and act like he hadn’t learned about them five seconds previously.

Are you having an accident?

Hoping at some point we get a cameo by Scott Bakula as grumpy 145-year old Admiral Archer, assuming he’s still alive in the Prime timeline like he is in the Kelvan.

Cum Town is the Red Light District of podcasts. That seedy back-alley everyone knows where to find but never dares speak of.

A guy already made a movie about eating at McDonalds anyway.

Yeah, but the same goes for every sketch show ever.

The Descent.

Hey Disney hire Neil for Guardians 3 you cowards.

Oof, the net loss on this is gonna be brutal.

Pandoran Democracy

Curious to see if they get an actual real monkey for Ampersand or if he’ll just be CG.

Aaaand we’ve finally reached the reboot singularity.

He only shows up at the beginning to deliver Leia’s eulogy.

So be it, settle the score.