Jet Jaguar

They're all bland flavorless pollock, there's not going to be much variation between them.

I dismiss the woman's work because it's unfunny choir-preaching drivel that's been repeated by her and everyone else in #TheResistance ad nauseam but yeah she's a super-shitty person.

I enjoyed the part where she talked about how comfy & life-affirming it is at Rikers.

"Tell that to The Grand Wizard's snapped neck" Batman retorted after Superman criticized his vigilante ways.

I wrote this show off the second I heard about it since it looked like the same type of aimless misery porn all other YA garbage is.

Those are both the epitome of "that guy" comedies.

Everything I've come to believe is a lie. My entire worldview, shattered.

A strait bio of Harding is currently in the works with Margot Robbie playing her.

The white guy on weekend update.

Alright, alright, I confess - I'm a Soros-paid weed-spiker.

Replace the M with a T and the N with a Sh.

"Eh, s'worth a shot."
-Colin Trevorrow

It's not really unorthodox at this point for indie-directors to helm a major tentpole blockbuster.

Awww, Parts Unknown is leaving :(

It must be pointed out that Slayer's Magnum Opus is South of Heaven, which is the brainchild of the late Jeff Hanneman. The band went to shit when he took a creative backseat.

I thought it sounded like a cable news anchor.

It DID happen with James Rolfe, aka The Angry Video Game Nerd. He released a video informing his many fans who would have expected a review from him that he simply has no desire to see it. He gave a very reasonable, level headed explanation, but the ENTIRE internet dogpiled on him calling him a sexist nerd virgin

This is more pertinent than imminent nuclear war.

Hillary came out of the woods last week to suggest Trump go to war with Syria.

King of the Hill desperately needs it's own screencap-transcript archive ala Frinkiac & Morbotron.