Jet Jaguar

If you're white and/or rich.


Someone's getting fired.

Odd this isn't getting a Switch release, especially considering these all originated on a Nintendo system. Seems ideal for the portable format.

Seems it was three strikes on original in-studio content following the colossal bombings of John Carter, Lone Ranger and Tomorrowland and Disney has since resigned from taking any chances and is just coasting on nostalgia for the time being.

Please kill Alfie first.

They actually gonna put her in albino-face?

"Hack comedian pressured to change-up hack material."

I compare Trevor Noah to a bad stand-up comedian.

Finally, something new.

Thus, it's actually a neutral rating from A. Dowd.

You might be on to something, Russia actually has that bright idea for Beauty and The Beast!

It's like the anti-Drafthouse.

This is why you go to midnight screenings.

One of the only people who saw the version that was one of the smartest, funniest horror comedies of the last decade.

Someone needs to do another one of these but with Rich Evans.

But week after week of Baldwin EVISCERATING Trump is what was keeping him in check! What will put a stop to his reign of destruction now?