On the one hand I say it likely drives just as well as 85% of the public that can’t be arsed to look up from their cellphones while they meander about town.
I don’t see any of these “near t-bones” as an issue, personally.
It’s possible that FCA doesn’t know how to bargain with a union they haven’t bribed. There might be a learning-curve going-on here.
Who the fuck trades in a low mileage EVO for a NEW MITSUBISHI?
If you are near a computer and you know it’s a robo call you can play the following “phone disconnected” sound and they will think the number is no longer active and remove you from the list. I have known about this for sometime and have yet to be in a position to do it, I’m always out an about.
I am liking the Agent Johnson approach recommended above—”FBI Cybercrimes and Fraud Division, this is Agent Johnson. To whom am I speaking?”
Universal rule to increase happiness: Delete Facebook.
Now, this is the point where you make some comments about “warranties” and “reliability.” I got news for you, friend-o—you aren’t keeping this car forever. You’ll pick up one of these coupes and hang on to it for two or three years max, then life will dictate something more practical.
This is a great stopgap until self-driving cars become available. Then you’ll be able to just put your infant in there let’er go for a joyride.
Many parents struggle with trying to get babies to fall asleep and often the only thing that works is a car ride.…
Hey, in fairness, nobody ever knew how complicated this stuff was.
No, this is obviously a ‘meanwhile, in Australia’ joke.
Yes, or the STI. These are really the only two acceptable answers. Hey Jalopnik, wanna see how fucking OLD you’ve gotten? Just re-read what you wrote to this poor confused college student.
I often ask people when they boast about their Regan era shit-can being reliable and over 250k miles “how many engine and transmission overhauls/rebuilds/replacements have you done?”
They start boasting about how they replaced the engine twice and the transmission has been replaced and recently rebuilt. Then i ask…
I would argue that your “solution” is more worthy of quotes than this one, as it’s proven itself invalid. It’s like the “solution” to systemic obesity being people don’t eat as much, or the “solution” to the opiates problem for people not to do drugs, or the “solution” to teenage pregnancy (or overpopulation) is for…
No way man, get out there and coat that car with a soapy ice sheet, then split your head open falling on ice in 8°f weather. That’s what a true enthusiast would do.
Darby Barber is a creative designer at General Motors, currently part of the Chevy trucks team. She joined GM at the…
The good thing about a LiFePO4 conversion is that the compounds in these batteries are WAY more stable than normal Li-ion batteries. Meaning no Galaxy Note 7 I mean Ranger BBQ. This was worth almost 3000 even with the PbA batteries....NP!!!