
So much capability. I can’t wait to see it being used to crawl across suburbia from the salon to the yoga studio.

If he read Jalopnik he would’ve bought a Lexus SUV

Stop right there, reading is not allowed in the White House

It does, I’m not sure why that’s not mentioned.

Not sure if serious. What you describe is exactly how V2x works.

This is exactly what I’ve been telling people. Jobs suck and factory jobs really suck. Technology and free markets reduce the costs of production and increase the standard of living. The goal should not be full employment, the goal should be that everything is so cheap no one has to work much.

LOLZ the ad says its automatic not once but twice.

Exactly, exploiting people’s tragedy is the media business model. Not that its the media’s fault, they’re just fulfilling the demand for such stories. There is a strong demand for information about Schumacher. The existence of this article is evidence that its absurd to expect privacy for the highest earning athlete

Of course Trumps’s right about the F35. My statement was more general. If you have a better explanation for the following behaviors, I love to hear it. He tweets the NY times is failing and dishonest then in an interview with the NY times he praises them saying the NY Times “is a jewel of the world.” His major

This description of Trump is highly underrated. He is a salesman and his product is himself. He has no ideology, no loyalty, there is no reasoning with him. He just says what his audience wants to hear.

I’m with Kirsten, but he should also look at a C6. As a 28 yo engineer I bought a 2008 Corvette for $26,000, I daily drive it and absolutely love it.

You’re right about everybody being stupid, I have almost unlimited faith in the ineptitude of humans. If its a question of whether something resulted from stupidity or a secret conspiracy involving many people, I’ll bet on stupidity every time.

Now playing

Look up “V2X” its exactly what you want. All the auto companies have been working on it for years.

I’m not usually an optimist but I’m clinging to the hope that this a troll’s photoshop and not something that exists in 3D space.

It had me at chrome window cranks.

This confuses me as well. Also, according to my calculations they want 19 cents/lb for the ship while scrap iron is worth 3 cents/lb