Liberte for le Jetstar!

I'm guessing they've taken the engines out and have a lot of the mount in the plane, where the engine would be.

Crack pipe. Bring it down 5k, then we'll talk.

They replaced one bowl of oatmeal (Ford Falcon chassis) with another (modern microsoft products).

Diesel Mercedes time!

Thinkin' 'bout the time you drove in my car...

Historically, the Caprice was nicer than the Impala.

Whichever you like the most.

How can you pick the Camaro over this? So much swag.

Kids these days with their music television...

Nope. Only a few use ATF. Most still use specialized types of gear oil, hence the delicious sulfur smell. Old Minis even use engine oil.

So Chrysler just needs to insulate the hot parts better and install better transmission fluid coolers. Cooler fluid=less boilovers/warping/cracked transmissions.

Many of the victims report sudden, loud cracks, and have witnessed a vehicle similar to such pictured driving off in the distance.

Manual transmissions don't use transmission fluid. They use gear oil, like what you would find in a differential. It doesn't get nearly as hot as the fluid in an auto mainly because it isn't doing any work, other than lubricating, while ATF lubricates AND does a lot of other voodoo stuff I can't explain without

That's in the United States. I bet those statistics are a lot different in Brazil, where you have much more bicycles being used as transportation than you do here, and different cultural norms regarding where you can and cannot ride a bike.

I guess this is the inevitable outcome of a mix of first and third world transport. A tragedy nonetheless.

Peugeot 404s, of course.

that is very much a Pontiac, a GTO to be exact, with the coolest wheels ever!

An AMC wagon, of course.

(Puts on tinfoil hat)

Um, they made AWD Vibes.