I agree with this.
I agree with this.
Everyone knows sarcasm requires at least five consecutive question marks. Too much ambiguity with three or four consecutively, obviously.
I don’t think you understand how the First Amendment works.
You shut your whore mouth!
Did you ever consider that the shortstop IS one of his estranged children?
I’ve had sex in less time than Ledecky’s margin of victory. And just like the Olympics, it happens once every 4 years.
Edit: LPShea made the better version of the joke. I concede.
“Why would there be confusion if he spoke English? Joining us in in studio to discuss is Emmitt Smith.”
I just saw the #FORG1V3 hashtag on Twitter and now I want to hurt people.
The Braves can go get bent, this is a LOLMets post.
there are dozens of locations that can host the Olympics right now, and they are ignored because either a country wants the prestige of the games to overshadow their lousy human rights records or the cities refuse to spend billions when the facilities they already have are quite adequate.
Are you implying that Ballers was ever watchable in the first season?
For the sake of our children, Roger Goodell must stop this Michael Bay influenced Entourage sports knockoff. Not the litany of domestic violence, long term brain trauma, suicides, and rape culture associated with the NFL, but rather a 26 minute HBO series that will likely be canceled by this time next year.
[[trademarks “three-teat”]]
Yeah? Then why am I masturbating and trying to get the layering right in photoshop, smartass?
It’s funny (by which I mean mind-bogglingly stupid) when grown-ass men debate sports decisions as if there was some kind of serious moral principle at stake. Oh no, a player chose to win and have fun over not winning and not having fun; stop the presses!
In 1991 people were saying Microsoft was a good stock to invest in, not me though. Todd van Poppel '91 Upper Deck RC is a fast track to retirement.