Poor little people, they didn't deserve to be pushed and crushed by a rotating bar. They didn't deserve that Chris. :'( RIP the little computer people.
Poor little people, they didn't deserve to be pushed and crushed by a rotating bar. They didn't deserve that Chris. :'( RIP the little computer people.
they are saving money on physical discs, and having more time to work on things.
Why would he bring in Rosenthal? To push the game to extra innings, where he could use his emergency extra-inning reliever (Wacha), who would have still given up 3 runs and lost the series?
Let's play out your scenario for a second. She stays put. You then have three outcomes.
Well, that seems to me like "the rest of you" is supposed to represent the idiots. Not everyone. Like the anti "gamer" posts were clearly talking about the bad apples, and not the entire group. Clearly.
Leo! Where have you been for so long?! Your voice is the sensation needed to calm my soul in these uncertain days. Speak to us more, please.
Regarding that last bit about Arkham: Considering that The Joker is not expected to be in Arkham Knight, having to pay extra to fight him doesn't seem that big a deal.
Did I offend you by making fun of the game you saved up all your allowance to get? Maybe next time you will choose better! Children really do say the darndest things.
I had a similar experience at my one and only time at the loot cave. I was there earlier, and watched some guys die by the public event splashdown. So, the next time it was coming, I ran up ahead to loot the cave and avoid my demise when some guy sends me a message yelling at me to stay behind the boulders - he then…
with a group of friends it doesn't feel like grinding to me.
Honestly I had tons of fun playing Titan in the Beta you just have to pay more attention to the battle than your team mates. There were countless times where my squad was waiting on me for the revives and to stay alive in no respawn zones while they timed back in. Titans can fight from the front line when everyone's…
I wasn't trying to act all cool about anything.
Didn't this guy get popular in the first place by spamming his videos on forums and abusing the related videos feature?
Yeah, I guess I'm an asshole to be offended by this post.
It is canon. Check out Havok & Wolverine: Meltdown sometime.
that was cool, 0:36 i always loved how Splinter break that err.. boxes?.. wood?..
You call the new movie a weird shitshow but cant tell the ORIGINAL introduction video from a knock off?