
I could throw the watermelon at someone's face to make them cry, this shows I can recreate the feeling people get when watching ghibi films.

Way to fly off the handle, his comment simply boils down to this: rockstar should not liable because this is altering the game outside their control, the one sex scene they had in SA was used as ammo on the war against video games. He wasn't comparing the rape mod to the hot coffee mod, only that it shares the same

Even before this video, it was evident that the studio did a fantastic job replicating New York rather accurately (as opposed to other New York-based games."

Everyone here does realized that all of the previous four TMNT movies never even cracked 40% at Rotten Tomatoes. And honestly the original TMNT is the only one that stands up to time. Not saying this one is going to be good, I won't know until I see it.

Charles Manson never actually killed anyone... I was pretty sure everyone knew this already.

this was actually game studios with professional game testers, basically the second ai distracts you and you loose track of the rest of the enemies and a dude kills you from behind, your brain calls bs, and assumes the game cheated

It's people like you who are the real heroes. Taking time out of your day to add your opinion and partial critique to the things that truly don't matter to you, or matter that much on the grand scale.

Nah, anyone pretending the console version was foremost is just deluding themselves. Blizzard made a lot of mistakes, but they didn't design one of the best selling PC games of all time for a console version that's probably sold a fourth as many copies. Stat points and skill trees were on the chopping block at least

All three. The first two groups being ignorant assholes while the last are just surperior assholes.

You can play this way IF you want to. I was surrounded by more than 10+ enemies and all i used was my phone/lure to do the hacking to manipulate environmental hazard.

While Fascism, and by extent Nazism, is one of the worst socio-political catastrophes that has befallen humankind, I think it's important to remember that while unjust war may be started and maintained by leaders and ideals, the average foot soldier fighting in their name isn't an automatic extension of them.

But there is a ton of nazi gold, something like 5o pieces ranging from golden guns to watches.

Cannot wait, hopefully, these games will not have a learning curve that is basically a brick wall with gun turrets and tigers. Would love to get into these games.