
Gosh...the Dem. sure do hire a lot more folks and spend more $$$$ than the Republicans!!! that why our country is in so much debt ?? Its a shame that their $$$ & man & lady power is not used for the good of the country, helping schools, hospitals or (paying off our countries debt), instead of being waisted on

This comment section as all Clinton people bashing Bernie and Bernie people bashing Clinton, each side choosing half or less of the information in the article (which is already incomplete) to support their predetermined position. We are certainly accomplishing a lot here.

Trump’s campaign is the only one that can offer Stock options.

I find it odd that the Republicans have way less staffers than the Democrats. Does one party favor having SuperPacs doing most of the work, especially if they’re not supposed to coordinate with each other?

Do you think that Hillary’s disparity and averages were influenced by the gigantic pool of staffers? Clearly there is a difference in definition on “who” is a part of a campaign. Hillary has 526 staffers listed, and Trump has 39?! This data is hard to analyze with that big of a discrepancy in sample size ... obviously

You missed an entry for Hillary

Hmm I’m surprised Karen Finney isn’t on Hillary’s list of highest-paid staffers, unless she’s technically a consultant or something?