
And 50" Plasma TVs used to be $80,000 once upon a time, too. I got mine a year or two ago for CONSIDERABLY less.

Now that there's enough comments that nobody will notice this...

Huh. Looks like I have 37 albums that are eligible for this and did get auto-updated in the cloud player (which I've never used before). I know there's a bunch of albums that are not in there, but maybe they will be in the future.

You seem to have misspelled "1974".

I still buy CDs. Now if someone would sell me FLAC (or other loseless) DRM-free music, I'd consider buying it that way. As it is, CDs only get used one time - and that's to get ripped to FLAC and put on both my desktop and my media server. There's a script that automatically also creates MP3 files to stream to my

A few years back I started some indoor plants (ok, like 40) right at the top of February. They were way too big for the starter pots by March, so I set up an actual greenhouse in the basement, and they were too big for THAT by April.

I used to be a heavy GIMP user, until I started getting more serious about photography. Especially shooting RAW, and shooting daily projects. Using Bridge/ACR/Photoshop is just SUCH an improved workflow, it's not even a contest. And there's no free software equivalent that comes even close to ACR.

If this is a joke, it's almost funny. Almost.

Soo tempted by that $650 monitor.

Vote: Nexus 10

Last week's On The Media had an interview with someone running a copycat site of the same nature... along with a "companion" site run by a "lawyer" who, for $150 guarantees to get them to remove your pictures. Guy's even more of an ass than Moore.

The backlight on the keys themselves probably won't work, but the light around the keys should, since these things only cover the top of the keycaps.

My Adblock Plus isn't hurting it at all.

I loved Revelations. It had the highest emotional response for me. Altaïr returning to Al Masyaf (sp?) and his later scene? That was just phenomenal.

Yeah... that doesn't sound disgusting at all.