
I challenge anyone to listen to a CD version and then an SACD version of the same album and tell me they don't hear a difference. I am FAR from being an audiophile but it's a whole different world out there. Since humans are primarily visual creatures, you can compare it to going from DVD-quality to blu-ray.

If it said "Z.B." I could live with it.

Hey, only one way to find out! Make sure you post videos.

You just came out of the water, so you're clearly a baptist. Either that or one of them Naiad-worshippers.

Yeah that's my thing, I don't see how a keyboard and mouse would be as comfortable in the living room as a gampad is. I do want to try it though and a $50 device to connect to a PS3 is easier than building a small PC to try it out on...

I see one review saying the mouse movement is non-linear (or is linear or one of those). How is that working out for you?

It's kinda the other way 'round. It USED to be all about MHz and who'd get to 1GHz first, then people realised cock speed was really not that big a deal because we had so many other bottlenecks.

Does that actually work? I mean, it's basically a converter/emulator kinda thing. Does it actually give you decent control?

I never said it's cheaper. I'm saying it's better. The PS3 had some distinct advantages over a gaming PC at the time, even an expensive one. It used this super-awesome cell processor tech, and, uh. Other. Things. I forget. The PS4 will have nothing on a gaming rig other than price.

I just don't know.

I hate to agree with Newt Gingrich, but a device running a UNIX-variant (which both Android and iOS are) on which I can get a command-prompt and root access is NOT a phone anymore. It's called that for historical reasons only. It's a mobile computer that happens to have phonecall capabilities.

It's even cheaper if you only want one app, like Photoshop. Which I believe is what most people want.

Ugh. I am SO tempted by this phone. I've not wanted a phone this much since the Nexus One, which this guy really is the, uh, "spiritual" successor to. Hell, if this was a Nexus phone I'd be all over it. The only reason I haven't picked one up yet is because Google I/O is right around the corner and new announcements

It is important to note, though, that sometimes divorce IS the right thing to do. Sometimes people just grow apart naturally. Sometimes some... personality traits that lay dormant (or you didn't know how to watch for) surface and intensify after a while. Sometimes you shouldn't have got married in the first place.

Yeah, who needs privacy?

Oh for goodness sake. Telling people to run EMACS is NOT the same as "unlocking" games in the terminal. It's telling people to run EMACS and playing games in EMACS.


I don't know why, but I have the sudden urge to kill something on sight.

I don't normally use pictures I didn't make for backgrounds, but I'd put that one on (at least temporarily) if it was, you know. Available.