
Nice comment/ name synergy.

I don’t dislike Comey because he’s uncool. I dislike him because he selectively broke DOJ procedure that probably tipped the election to one of the most unfit people to hold the presidency for generations.

Comey sucks because he was FBI director at the time when increased surveillance of Muslim communities happened. The way that Resistance twitter loves anyone who opposed Trump no matter who they are has led to some absolutely vile people being given platforms (Bill Kristol and David Frum do not need to be heard from

Oh, come now. ALL seven deadly sins?

1. Trump tells Comey to investigate it because of the potential blackmail.

It’s the (potential) illegal use of campaign funds that’s the issue. the fact that’s salacious is why the media is focusing on the Stormy angle. And also because of the hypocrisy of the “family values” Evangelicals voting overwhelmingly for a candidate who literally embodies the 7 deadly sins.

LOL...limp-wristed men. Someone’s low-T projection is showing. Archie Bunker called and wants his schtick back.

And yet you think your comment has merit. Hell, you probably even thought you were funny here.

Who needs a point when you have the merest understanding of how to operate a keyboard?

This might be valid if these companies weren’t raking in insane amounts of profit at the cost of the work force they employ. It should be absolutely illegal for a company with as much profit as Amazon to be allowed to pay any employees such a low wage that they are unable to afford basic necessities without government

If you knew about Amazon’s history, you would.

The bottom tier employees at Wal Mart seem pretty reasonable and friendly to me given that I am aware of how fucked they are in the new economy, but I avoid Wal Mart because of the other customers, not because of the employees.

yea, ie - they aren’t really doing what “jobs” are supposed to do.

That show was fucking hilarious and six episodes is NOT ENOUGH!

Nailed It.

On the flip side we don’t have to actually interact with the poors when we shop on Amazon, unlike having to look a WalMart employee in the eye while checking out knowing that they’re probably on food stamps just to survive.

or just boil it down a little more, when a child molester pops up in anybody’s family, the instinct is to circle the wagons. But civilization is here to kinda, ya know, correct those instincts.

Man, I havent been in this much disagreement with a review in a while. I thought this was the best episode so far of the season. I think Atlanta can sometimes over-reach and go too broad, but by just focusing on something small and expanding it to ridiculous proportions, it felt specific and unforced in a way that

Your opinion is wrong and you should feel bad about it.