
I think sometimes abusive parents have a tendency to believe the lies they've told themselves about how wonderful their children's childhoods were. Particularly if their children turned out to be decent adults.

Aww, thank you! Deciding to have kids is not an easy choice for many people, and I think these kinds of things really do give us a service. I would hope that anyone who posted them is able to pull themselves out of that situation and be happy and that the kids aren't hurt by it, but we'll never know anything more

While this is clearly upsetting to some people here, I think it's important to see things like this.

But my kids are totally special snowflakes! Just last week my 5-year-old pissed on the toilet seat, fully clothed, because she got distracted and forgot she had to undress and raise said toilet seat. If that's not special, then I don't know what is. :/

Honestly most parents I know IRL, say this stuff to me all the time. That they love their kids, but if they could take it back.... When we tell them we don't want kids, they say, "Good... DON'T DO IT!".