
For fuck’s sake. As Rando said, she wasn’t talking about anything to do with reproduction. It’s exactly the same as saying the name of ANY OTHER BODY PART BECAUSE THAT IS WHAT IT IS CALLED. Good for her for refusing to use some stupid euphamism.

“strict organic standards”

that the government and/or the medical establishment are attacking the family for their beliefs.

^^ what you just described? THAT makes one a perfume drencher.

If this doesn’t show that in fact, large doses of easily accessed pornography is having an impact (a negative impact) on children I don’t know what does. This makes me so, so sad. And I realized, had I constantly seen these images or had my male peers had this much access to these images I would have been one of those

it me

Even as a teenager, I liked Chyna because she was different. She was strong and tough. Also, she was funny and pretty. I liked that about her.

“The Dothraki lead Daenerys back to her camp, while she refuses to respond to their taunts, harassment and random speculation about just why her hair is white.”

Man, more power to any new mom who can get an hour or two to herself (or out with her husband, girlfriends, etc.). You suddenly feel like everything you have belongs to a tiny, adorable, demanding creature. A brief respite to wear clean clothes and engage with adults can help keep you sane.

Your mother passed away too?

Are you sure that was weed?

Only to Coachella

“Everybody wants to be a nigga but don’t nobody wanna be a nigga.”

Perinatal hospice care:

i know much more about thundershirts than i do about athleisure

I would like to announce I had no idea there are shirts for dogs who are afeared of lightening.

I’m so seeing that movie when it comes out. I don’t give a shit if it’s the worst movie in the history of ever. I just want to stare at giant, nearly naked Alexander Skarsgard. With any luck we’ll get to see some Skarsgard ass.

I’ll never tire looking at this man....

I didn't even get the Mad Men reference until my second watch-through (now I've admitted I've watched the whole season twice over the course of the weekend. Eeep)