
I’m super late on this, but I couldn’t resist.

My baby is a month old tomorrow so I’ve just about repressed all the memories of her birth, but I wish somebody would have told me after you give birth your vulva and labia look like the worlds saddest water balloon I would have never looked if somebody had let me know it’d be that bad. I’m also glad my birth plan

I’m actually really excited for this. I’m having a what I call a cheap outdoors alaskan wedding this summer/fall and a lot of these seem like viable options since I hate super long/sleeveless dresses.

I feel your pain, I’m due in March(yay!) , but dressing myself has been hard. I live in Alaska and the only place in town that has any maternity clothes is old navy and it’s so disorganized and almost everything is ugly as sin. I just want to be cute and comfortable.

I think my heart just exploded from all this cute.

My mom just posted this on my Facebook wall last week. I get that she’s excited to have a granddaughter, but I’m not raising somebody to have the same fucked up issues that I have because of shit like this. I feel like this article is the perfect response.

One of my exes ex girlfriends stalks me and it’s been over between them for two years. It's a mild pain, but flattering that somebody is so obsessed with me.

If this was $3500 cheaper. Then maybe I’d be all into it, but seeing as I literally have two mk1 GTI’s that were cheaper combined sitting in the woods waiting to be restored...

That's one weird looking cat.

I was just coming here to post the very same thing.

My boyfriend calls it Tacompton, because it’s the only place he’s ever been mugged.

We semi-lovingly call it Vantucky

I had handwriting very similar to my mothers from 2nd grade onward so I used to forge her signature on my school reading logs. It benefitted me greatly.

If they weren't so far away I'd take them all up there by the shuttle.

Lived in alaska 15 years. I can garentee it gets above 60. In fact it's gonna be 80 this weekend no ice in sight. They must have only stayed down south.

Not cold and snowy during the summer at all, but I can understand why people don't vacation there.

Pretty much :((

Fellow Alaskan here. I agree with you, Alaska just seems to attract certain types of people and they ruin being here for the rest of us.

The meanest :((

Why is masculinity so fragile? I mean I know why, but why?