Read your post. Looked him up and his comments.
Read your post. Looked him up and his comments.
Think of it this way....Monster Hunter was a series that was really popular on portable gaming. Playing outside with people in groups together. Asking for it on the console that is literally designed to do’s understandable.
Since 90% of switch only games are Nintendo made, asking for ports of them are pretty stupid honestly.
But to be honest....people have been asking about Bayonetta ports and complaining about that for years.’s not exactly new. You’re just uninformed. It’s not about Nintendo doing no’s just most…
Set comes with Sabine Wren. Had to buy it on that alone.
Set comes with Sabine Wren. Had to buy it on that alone.
Why throw out perfectly good legos? Half of those characters won’t be made ever again!
If you’re really concerned with getting top dollar, you have to sell way in advance of the release because time will lower prices anyways or take advantage of deals. I’m sure they will be trade in deals at launch.
It is a travesty to not have Mojo Jojo in this game! If he were in this game it would not be a travesty! But he is not in this game! Which means the game has committed a travesty by not including Mojo Jojo in this game!
That’s true but not all of it. If the game really wanted to be like the movies, there should be a “final girl/final guy” power up that activates when only one counselor is left. Like enhanced speed, power and ability to momentarily stun or fully kill Jason. Cause we all know the final person has that right. It would…
Like others said...the problem isn’t that Joker killed Lois. It’s that he tricked Superman into killing Lois, their child and his entire city in one moment.
Honestly...that’s enough to start anyone on a path of darkness. And that one action didn’t make Superman evil but it did start the whole situation where…
I think it’s important to note that they did release an hour long demo of Prey before the game came out. Well that’s not the same as a is something very helpful.