Jet Black

Says the aeronautical engineer...

I’d agree with you if this was a peer review piece but it’s a general information article so it up to the reader.

What worse is, Daenerys is Jon Snows aunt, they are related :)

I live in Chicago, over 70% voted for Hillary but we have all these closeted Trump voters and every once and a while you run across them spewing their vile sh*t. Thankfully, politics is a contact sport in the windy city and we’ve had good success shutting them down. We need to organize and prepare for the mid-terms.

This film will be a colossal f*ck up

He was excellent in the British science fiction comedy-drama Misfits on E4.

We loose because were lazy. 43% of eligible voters don’t give a sh*t and didn’t vote.

Prove it

Prove it.