My telephone number ended with 666. I would have been relieved when they discovered that the number of the beast might actually be 616, but that happened to be my area code.
My telephone number ended with 666. I would have been relieved when they discovered that the number of the beast might actually be 616, but that happened to be my area code.
I'm not against it in principle- I make all of my lampshades out of people, for example- but eating them just seems wrong somehow.
Obama needs to rig Washington to explode as soon as possible. We must not allow a suicide machine gap!
If it was rotated 90° it wouldn't work. The sensor needs to be rolling parallel to the strings.
Very interesting, thanks. I wondered how these sensors controlled exposure, but I couldn't find a reference quickly enough.
What do you mean 'you'? The way the camera sensor works is very important in making this visible.
What makes it visible is the orientation of the phone, how close the strings are to the lens and the fact that the string are silhouetted against the sky. You could capture this from the outside as long as you held the phone correctly and the strings were lit well enough.
Reddit user, fwywarrior posted this capture earlier today.
Also, all Navy ships, all the way up to carriers, are vulnerable to missiles. Their current last-ditch solution of throwing lots of depleted uranium into the air is ineffective against the latest generation of supersonic anti-ship missiles and they need something faster. Lasers are faster.
Reminds me of Auto-Tune. Every Top 40 artist is perfectly in tune, but none of them can sing.
Also, you'll be less likely to step in something.
Probably D. B. Cooper.
If I had my way, we would do it your way, but the epicene they has become such an accepted way to write in informal contexts, that I've given up. Colloquial writing is unobtrusive (in the correct context) and leads people to focus on what you actually said. Correct grammar draws attention to itself, and can make you…
For me, HTML5 is the most exciting thing. Their current site uses more CPU power than a 1080p YouTube video. I won't be surprised if my electrical bill is noticeably lower next month.
"They may help creative people with their bookkeeping, but they won't help in the creative process."
Definitely. I wouldn't recommend the Salmon of Doubt though. Too sad. You will be reading along and all of a sudden the
1987 also happens to be the year that Douglas Adams wrote Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency. One of the characters writes music creation software and it makes him very rich. Google Books
I think she means 'unique (in our solar system).' I'm sure she knows, and knows that we know, that there are more planets out there.
I think Redbull told Webber to hold position in order to prevent Horner's foot from vibrating off his leg, not to save points for Vettel. If Webber and Vettel's positions had been reversed with three laps to go, Vettel most likely would have been told to stay put too.
I first had that reaction when watching "From the Earth to the Moon." There's a scene where the astronauts find their position in space by measuring the position of stars using a sextant. That data was fed into a navigation computer full of gyroscopes, but they were essentially using the same techniques to sail…