
Chances are, though, it would only take two or three attempts to get something aboard a plane. Their last reported detection rate for guns and knives was only 30%. To state the obvious: guns and knives are large and made of metal. The more worrying things someone could sneak on a plane might not be so easy to spot.

I think your sentences got jumbled up somewhere, because I'm having trouble understanding your point.

I'm always nervous when they visit, but America looked beautiful, even Las Vegas. Thanks Top Gear!

You know, on one location shoot, we covered an entire hill in Porta Potties. That smell, that Porta Potty smell, nothing else in the world smells like that. Smelled like... victory.

Floating things can be scary! I think a vast ship hanging over your city, whether German, Imperial or Vogon, would be very ominous. I saw this picture in a Wikipedia article and it's stuck with me.

And yet everyone's still miserable. Even the ones with digital watches.

Now playing

In case that sound effect is bugging anyone else. I knew it sounded familiar.

As much as I hate pennies, the fact that they cost more than one cent to manufacture doesn't mean much. If having pennies around makes it easier for people to do business, then they can pay for themselves by helping the economy, even if it costs the government money to produce them. That said, I think they stopped

To be fair, we do need to draw some attention to global warming. I'd never heard of it until this guy and his ice came along, but it sounds pretty serious.

Bitcoin transactions are very secure. Much more secure than any other way of transferring money online. The coins themselves are only as safe as where you keep them. If you stored your Bitcoins and your credit card numbers on your computer unencrypted, then both your Bitcoins and your credit cards could be stolen and

The internet needs a secure and anonymous way to buy and sell things. Bitcoin offers a secure and anonymous way to buy and sell things.

You could increase the rate at which the currency is distributed over time, but that would make holding the currency unattractive due to inflation and it would die a quick death. I think the solution they decided on is the only one that makes sense. The only other reasonable option would be to have a government entity

Bitcoin is also used to buy and sell stolen credit card numbers. I know it sounds crazy, but if the people who make a living by exploiting the insecure way we currently make electronic transactions trust Bitcoin, then Bitcoin must be on to something.

Yep, it's on the way. I won't have much time this weekend due to the fourth, but I plan to get going on it some evening next week. I have no idea how long it will take though. It could take a couple hours, or a couple weeks depending how much needs changing.

I just published a Google Chrome extension for Kotaku. It notifies you of new replies and followers and lets you view them right from the toolbar. You can install it from the Google extension gallery or read more about it at Lifehacker.

The bar for something being considered sentient is very low. It just means they have the ability to feel sensations, which dogs undoubtedly do.

Alright, I've ported it to Opera. It's a bit rough and I have done almost no testing, but it seems to be working.

You're right, but they already have. For a number of years, they were very effective with remote controlled bombs that were detonated by cellphone. It wasn't exactly an RC car, but it was their own low tech way to fight from a distance without exposing themselves to attack. Since then, advanced jamming techniques by

Game companies could easily set up a system like that on their own without government involvement. For example, if you want to pay $50 and register your personal information in order to play with other people over 18, Steam or Blizzard or EA could easily do that. And they would do that if enough people wanted it.

To be fair, the court was deciding whether it should be legal for a nine-year-old to purchase GTA. Maybe they're trying to show a scary picture to get people riled up, but it's an accurate depiction of what the Supreme Court was debating.