Ah, that might be the problem. There was once and that's how I log in.
Ah, that might be the problem. There was once and that's how I log in.
No, it actually has no knowledge of your login credentials. If you get logged out, it has no way reconnect until you visit another Gawker site.
I think a more similar scenario would be the NYT publishing an article how to block ads on Gawker sites, since that is Gawker's bread and butter. I have a feeling they wouldn't mind though, since they've already written the article themselves.
Thanks, I might do that. I've peeked at the Firefox extension documentation and the Firefox database API looks to be quite a bit different, so porting it will take some work. If people find the Chrome extension useful though, I'll be happy to do it.
I replayed that part twice. Partially because I didn't understand it, and partially because it was adorable.
Pretty good actually. Here's a planet the already found that they believe to be made mostly out of water: Wikipedia. The catch is that at high pressures, hot water can actually become ice. The planet would be a thin layer of liquid water several dozen miles deep, surrounding a solid core.
If the Earth is flying through space, why don't we fall off? Can't explain that.
I hate to tell you this, but they cover your veggies in manure too. Nothing leaves a farm without first being covered in manure.
We Have All Become Richard Nixon
This should put your mind at ease.
It only makes sense to look like your father if children are assumed to be illegitimate and are uncared for by default. This might happen in cases where the partner knows his paternity is in doubt, but if I were that child and I wasn't sure who my father was, I would choose to look like Mom. Best to leave Dad guessing.
I guess I don't know what you mean by 'valid'. If you mean valid, as in "He's right," then that really isn't really pertinent to whether the comment should have been promoted. It's a matter of opinion (your use of 'random' is subjective) and it isn't worth talking about.
No, it's a "how is this news?" comment. Those are always a waste of space and if they were allowed, that sentiment would get posted on pretty much every article. "How is this news? I heard about this two weeks ago." — "Why is this on the site? I thought this site was supposed to be about x." Etc.
Don't promote comments like that!
Hey, times are tough. We can't go wasting resources on silent letters willy-nilly.
No AC system cools air by removing moisture from it. In a refrigeration cycle air conditioner, the air is naturally dehumidified when it comes into contact with the cold metal of the evaporator coil. There are types of air conditioners that rely on evaporation for cooling, but none that use condensation as it would…
Well, I was kind of joking. Prolonged exposure to radiation is the only way to get a tan. But you're right, the wrong kind of radiation will kill your marrow and make you anemic. However, the only thing this kid is suffering from is florescent lighting.
Quite the opposite, in fact.