"Boo hoo cry me a river douche bag "whistle-blower", cry baby, pussy."
"Boo hoo cry me a river douche bag "whistle-blower", cry baby, pussy."
Because seeing "Why is this on Gizmodo?" every time an article doesn't feature a cellphone gets annoying quickly.
Nonsense, my boy. The only proper treatment for malaria is the gin and tonic. Incidentally, it is also an effective cure for Sunday afternoons.
Here's a neat demonstration of the close relationship between what we see and what we hear. If the lip-syncing is matched closely enough to the voice acting, your brain can modify what you hear to match what you see. His good visual acting can actually make the clips sound different and trick us into thinking the…
Good point. It would be great to make them all paranoid.
Their goals are to legitimize bin Laden as a valuable target, to undermine his image in the Middle East and to reinforce the idea that Al Qaeda are still planning to attack foreign targets. Hence we learn that Osama owned herbal Viagra and was planning to strike American trains. This little tidbit reassures us that he…
Sure, you can use radiocarbon dating on objects as young as a few hundred years. Carbon 14 has a half life of only 5000 years, so a difference 300 years would be noticeable.
Haha, I didn't even notice that. That's a perfect name.
A sword-covered tractor has Mythbusters written all over it. Get on it, guys, and don't skimp on the ballistics gel.
I remember on Nickelodeon back around 1993, a kid won a Super Nintendo because his science fair project was a milk carton that changed color when the milk went bad. I think it was based on pH changes. Even then I wondered about its usefulness.
Not the world, the country, as I said. And counting everyone who ever recorded a song makes no sense. We want to figure not how many people are successful under the current system and able to live off of their royalties.
If you mean Toronto is being ostentatious and wasteful, I have to disagree. If you mean the human race, or the collection of governments that could save the helium are being wasteful, sure.
It's coming out of the ground as a byproduct, so either we ban natural gas extraction to protect helium reserves, or we store it at great expense for many decades, until it is truly needed. Since it can't be preserved or stored right now, it doesn't matter if Toronto uses it. If Toronto doesn't use it, someone else…
Imagine a better world where you could play any song on any device and 100% of the royalties went to the artist. Imagine that people would pay just $36/year and half of that went to royalty payments. (Pandora's royalties work like this.)
If I recall correctly, that study advised against anything that made your heart beat faster, including sex, over-tightened corsets and traveling by fast carriage. (That might not be entirely accurate, but its advice did feel oddly Victorian.)
It might not be a problem for you, but I like to walk down the street naked. If that showed up on the internet, it would be very embarrassing.
The courts are requiring that Google give an "absolute guarantee of anonymity." Google is uploading hundreds of millions of images so, obviously, it's impossible to offer that kind of guarantee. Even if people individually checked over every image, someone would eventually make an error.
This is a great idea from the Swiss courts. Let's require that every organization give an absolute guarantee of perfection. StreetView will never fail to obscure a face; doctors will never prescribe the wrong medication; planes will never crash. Why hasn't someone thought of this sooner?