
Fukushima wasn't the only plant taken offline. Of Japan's 54 nuclear reactors, 11 were suspended due to the earthquake. Meanwhile, the Hamaoka Nuclear Power Plant, with three reactors, is scheduled to be shut down preemptively, regulators having determined that it might not be able to withstand a future earthquake. (UP

It's not a fee, it's an investment. In the traditional model, executives at EA decide what games get made based on what they think will be profitable. In this model, players invest directly in games they think they will want to play.

The guy is full of ideas. For now though, he's focusing on making the core gameplay work perfectly. That means one spy, one sniper, and a few simple objectives. In the future, the game will become more complicated. For example, you might have to work together with another spy to accomplish a mission.

The number you're reading is the peak acceleration value recorded during the previous couple seconds. The instantaneous acceleration is displayed by the bar indicator and the target-style two-dimensional indicator, located directly above. Those do fluctuate quite a bit.

You can't upload images from your computer anymore, meaning posting a quick screenshot is now a 12 step process. Also, despite my care, it fails half the time.

I clicked to read the explanation, but it seems the image is the purpose of the post. I figured 'strong images' meant someone covered in a sheet, as it usually does.


I hope this will be the final nail in the coffin for the "Who Killed the Electric Car?" conspiracy theory. Despite 15 years of technological advancement and $12,500 in tax credits, these cars still remain unaffordable for the middle class and impractical for the average driver. Even in the ideal climate and the ideal

Gizmodo has a photo of the diesel engine.

Chai tea?

Now playing

Thank goodness. I was worried for a second there.

Except perhaps a meteor or a super-volcano or an ice age...

An interesting nuclear testing fact: It's likely that John Wayne was killed by fallout from a nuclear test. Several scenes in The Conquest were filmed downwind from a testing range. Within a few decades, 91 of the 200 crew had contracted cancer, along with many residents of that area. Wayne survived lung cancer only

Remember when conspiracy theories used to be interesting? Remember the X-Files and the crappy made-for-TV documentaries about Area 51? Now it's global warming, birth certificates and 9-11. It's all cynicism and no imagination.


Think of it this way: If Blizzard came up to you personally and said, "Hi, we're going to sell a pet, and give half the money to you. You're going to be rich." Your first response probably wouldn't be, "Can't I just have all of the money?" You would probably be incredibly grateful that they decided to change your

I'm not saying they know what Afghanistan is, but they do understand the idea of territory. My point is, they aren't angelic creatures enslaved by demons. We're just two territorial, violent species working together.