
Dogs have a deep understanding of politics and land. The reason they urinate on trees is to define their territory. You can easily teach a dog to stay out of a certain room or not to climb up on the couch because they have an inbuilt instinct to territory rights. They also understand politics, competing for social

I am going to ignore this news as I am 6 feet tall.

If you had X billion, you could be the Captain Nemo of the seas with that amazing 5000 sqft. luxury submarine that U.S. Submarines wants to build.

The mind that thought of that should be put to better use.

I once talked to a former teller of a major U.S. bank about how they are taught to handle robberies. If you know what demands to make, you will have your money and be out the door in a couple of minutes. The goal of the company policy is to keep everyone safe and to end the situation as soon as possible. They won't

Finally. Someone with the courage to criticize the Catholic church. It's a bit edgy, but I'm sure they will do it in a nuanced manner.

I think those are actually three separate units in a range of colors.

I wonder if Pakistan will follow Bin Laden's soccer ball policy and refuse to give us our helicopter back.

I only had trouble with this sentence: "Atlanta-based Wheego uses as the basis for the Whip the Chinese-built Shuanghuan Noble, which bears a Xerox-like resemblance to the Smart ForTwo." The independent clause feels like it was written in Polish notation.

A few months ago, I was listening to BBC Radio 4 when they reported on two police officers who had been injured in a car bomb attack. The car bomb story was sandwiched between a report about a new tax on cider and a segment about a telepathic cat.

Only one conspiracy theory per news event please. It's starting to get hard to keep track of them all.

I'm going to enjoy watching the various media outlets react. Drudge has gone with an unprecedented red, white and blue headline, but no sirens, interestingly. Maybe I don't understand the sirens. And fingers crossed the Sun resurrects this classic headline.

Thank you. It's a big improvement.

I'll allow Jamie's argument, though a few skins probably don't take that much development time. If you're opposed to DLC, or even just DLC created before the game's release, that's fine and there's some good reasons not to like it. But how the DLC gets to you shouldn't matter one bit.

What difference does it make if the skins actually travel over the internet? Bits are bits.