
In college, I would sometimes play this game with people handing out flyers on campus. I would stop to take a flyer and they would give a little speech about the need to return to the gold standard or whatever. I would thank them politely, then walk a little 4 minute circuit, returning to take another flyer.

When you start treating an economic problem as a moral problem, you get silly gestures like this.

I meant racial or class segregation like Ozzie thinks is happening. I can think of a lot of reasons Google wouldn't want to have a segregation policy, but no reasons at all that they would want one. Does Ozzie really think Google doesn't like different types of people mixing? Picture the scene: an executive

Why would they want to segregate people?

The false assumption here is that Google gives out expensive gifts because they're nice and it's fun. If they decide not to be nice to everyone equally, they must be racist or something.

More aggressive means more advanced, more expensive and more hands-on. It also means that doctors are using techniques that are less proven or more risky after the more routine options have been exhausted.

Now playing

Here's the full process performed by a more grizzled but equally badass farrier. Farriers can turn a lump of metal into a horseshoe and have it on the horse in less time than it takes to get a haircut.

I think the guy in the video misunderstood the mod. There isn't actually a finite amount of water in the world, it just gives you the ability to work with fixed amounts of water, unlike vanilla Minecraft where water behaves strangely, and one block of water can increase in volume.

Leaving aside the fact that it would be a beastly, evil thing to do, it would be a poor economic choice. There aren't many jobs a person without hands can do, so he would probably spend the rest of his life living off the state. A $300 theft will end up costing the country $3 million.

I like the way you're thinking, but I think the conspiracy goes much deeper.

I think it was sulfur that the oil tankers produce in vast quantities. Because an exception in emissions laws, only large ships can use high-sulfur fuel, hence their ability to outproduce the entire US car fleet.

You can only dig up a grave if the person buried there isn't alive to complain about it. If they're dead, have at it.

Meanwhile at the Chicken McNugget factory...

Even if all of the accounts had associated credit card numbers, it's not valid to use that average cost per record number. If I'm a small hospital and one of my employees loses a hard drive with medical records on it, it would be catastrophic. I am going to have to hire a dozen people to answer phones, because

The best policy is to never share any opinion on any subject on the internet ever. Unless you are doing it anonymously or getting paid for it.

Deal with them? It's just on the screen saver. If they were showing deeply offensive images then I might have to think about it, but for what they are asking, I think they are paying too much.

@UltimateFlank: Streetview was on the front pages of Drudge, The Sun, The Register, and the Daily Mail for months. Every time another government decided it would have a look at the data, it was reported like there had been new revelations. I would almost say Drudge had it more frequently than Gizmodo, but it's hard

It doesn't do anything against radiation, but it does protect against radioactive fallout. If you can keep fallout outside your body by using a gas mask or other filter, a change of clothes and a shower is enough to decontaminate yourself. Once it gets inside, it can build up in your tissue, bones, and thyroid,

The Big Picture has a really good set of Chernobyl photos today. []

We were robbed once, but got off much easier. The thief took some hot dogs from the freezer, a can containing our cremated dog's ashes (he had just died earlier that week) and the handset to our cordless phone. He left the phone's base. The only serious loss was a broken window.