Jet Jaguar

Once success left his grasp, he Zmeded down a dark path.

He let success go to his Zmed.

No fixed date. In 2015, when Jerry Lewis handed over his film collection to the Library of Congress, one of the stipulations was that they couldn't publicly screen or distribute The Day the Clown Cried for 10 years, presumably because Mr. Lewis is in failing health and doesn't expect to live to 2025.

I know you're joking, but I can relate.

BTW only 8 more years until the Library of Congress is allowed to publicly show The Day the Clown Cried.

If it's prime time HBO, that means contractual nudity!

At least Black Cauldron had a 25th Anniversary DVD release. If Song of the South ever had a DVD release, it wasn't in North America.

I stand corrected. Wow, Disney… Just, wow.

The Muppets' Christmas is Cancelled

With the exception of "Song of the South."

Oh hai, Rowlf.

Hey pal, I fought WITH Godzilla to save the Earth from Megalon and Gigan. Me and Big G even shook hands at the end of the movie…

Truly, it's not easy being green.

I'm genuinely surprised that there isn't a NSFW Muppets message board site called "BorkChan."

Deeper, as in "elbow deep."

That's why you never put a hat in charge.

Peter Jackson for one.

"Hit the nose!"
— Anakin Skywalker to Jar Jar Binks, "Star Wars Episode I - The Phantom Menace

Yeah, I thought kids his age loved that Prequel garbage.

Best had the luxury of having his appearance obscured by CGI. Jake Lloyd wasn't so lucky.