Orange is the New Mack
Orange is the New Mack
The Accountant? Must be an accounting error.
New York being so prominent a setting that it’s practically a character was my idea! I still have yet to hear back from any of the lawyers I called.
Jake Lloyd?
Or “We’ll Rise Again.”
Hey Mister, I got something for you.
If it’s a “television format” then why does it have a film-evoking name, smart guy? It’s Netflix, not NetTube.
Agreed. You could replace the words “Muppets” with “Simpsons” and I’d still agree with you 100%.
I live in a small town in Canada that has a cinema with these seats.
Comic Book Guy didn’t make the “Magic Xylophone” comment. It was Doug, one of Homer’s college nerd buddies from college. A cursory Google search would’ve shown you that. Are you purposely trying to trigger me?
Netflix was actually founded in 1997 and launched in 1998, which makes this whole parody seem even more poorly thought out.
They could replace him with the original Weasel, Pauly Shore.
It’s never Jet Jaguar. ;(
It’s never Jet Jaguar. ;(
Was he starring in Law & Order: Criminal Intent at the time? He was on that show from 2009 - 2010.
Did they also alter how much screen time is devoted to TJ Miller?
“Imply” or “implode”?
Even after looking at the results I still wouldn’t have asked Zack Snyder to make Man of Steel.
Betamax or GTFO